
Lemon Balm

12 bytes added, 07:08, 7 October 2011
* Insomnia : Melissa has been used for centuries to treat people for insomnia. However, in recent placebo-controlled trials conducted in humans it was mixed with other herbal supplements known to promote sleep, such as valerian. It is still unclear whether Melissa can work as a natural sleep aid on its own, but it is thought to work by relaxing the nervous system, which in turn decreases anxiety levels and helps with a peaceful sleep.
* Cold Sores : Melissa has also been know to help people with [[Cold Sores]], and ointments containing lemon balm are often applied to children with cold sores around the world. In recent trials, adults with cold sores who applied an ointment containing lemon balm to their lips saw redness and swelling subside, although pain and scabbiness did not decrease. More tests are underway, but is so effective that a herpes remedy containing lemon balm is already popular in Germany.
[[Category:herbal medicine]]
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