
Mesua Ferrea

444 bytes added, 16:45, 9 November 2022
/* Benefits and uses of Mesua Ferrea are */
==Benefits and uses of Mesua Ferrea are==
* Mesua Ferrea flowers are acrid, anodyne, digestive, constipating, and stomachic. They are used in treating asthma, leprosy, cough, fever, vomiting and impotency.
* Skin benefits :
** It has astringent properties that make it a very effective herb to heal acne and blemishes that are often the result of oily and pigmented skin.
**It also has Laghu (light) and Ruksha (dry) qualities that balance excess oil production of the skin and also harmonize Kapha and Pitta Ayurvedic Dosha related skin concerns.
**Nagkesar helps to minimize open pores and clarifies skin for an even toned and glowing complexion.
* The seed oil pacifies vata, and also good for skin diseases and rheumatism.
* [[Arthritis]] occurs due to an imbalance in Vata dosha and the gathering of Ama (toxins) in the joints. Nagkesar may help balance Vata dosha and it might aid in reducing joint pain due to its Ushana (heat) property. However, every person has a different response to different herbs. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor before you use tea tree oil for your acne problems.
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