Pancreatic Cancer

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Causes and Symptoms

Processed meat are linked to huge increases in pancreatic cancer.

Home remedies

  • Studies have shown that ginger can help to protect you against Pancreas Cancer.
  • Turmeric is effective on Pancreatic Cancer as studies say.
  • papaya leaf tea is an effective remedy for cancer. A study at the University of Florida found that papaya slowed the growth of a wide variety of tumors, including those of the breast, lung, pancreas, cervix, and liver.
  • Digestive enzymes : Some reports from curing terminal pancreatic cancer with powerful, hybrid pancreatic juice protease.
  • The natural polyphenol in Green Tea known as ECGC has been shown to be particularly effective in lowering risk of a host of cancer cell lines including prostate, colon, esophagus, bladder and pancreas.
  • apples : eating more apples, and adding more natural antioxidants into your meals, could be an important step. More research is needed before we can say definitively that quercetin and other polyphenols have therapeutic value against pancreatic cancer.
  • Mint, specifically peppermint, contains a phytonutrient known as amonoterpene which has shown the capability to thwart the growth of tumors in the liver, breasts and pancreas in animals.
  • High levels of selenium in the body appear to reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer.
  • Green Tea prevents cancers of the gastrointestinal tract, including cancers of the stomach, small intestine, pancreas, and colon; lung cancer, estrogen-related cancers, including most breast cancers; and prostate cancer.



Medical Disclaimer

This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any treatment or dietary changes.