
Patchouly Oil

311 bytes added, 15:41, 16 December 2017
/* Benefits and uses of Patchouly Oil are */
* speeds up healing : Patchouli essential oil is also known for speeding up the rate at which your body heals. When you apply it on cuts, wounds, and abrasions, they tend to heal much faster than when you apply regular anti-septic on them. Patchouli essential oil is also known for getting rid of scars and can work well on different kinds of scars such as those left by boils, pox, burns, acne, and even measles.
* stimulates circulation : Patchouli essential oil is also known for stimulating the circulation of blood. It promotes the generation of new cells, which helps in the production and growth of red blood cells in the body. This boosts your energy levels as it provides more oxygenated blood to your different organs, ensuring that they all function at an optimum level. This helps keep the body metabolism high. Furthermore, patchouli essential oil also helps regenerate new skin cells and this keeps your skin looking healthy and vibrant and glowing.
* [[Hemorrhoids]] : The astringent, stimulant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial nature of this oil can help keep you safe from infections, particularly if your external hemorrhoids have ruptured or fissured. It can promote the growth of new tissue and induce the hemorrhoids to retract back into the rectum.
* eliminates bad odor : Patchouli essential oil has an extremely sweet and spicy aroma which can help you hide or get rid of your body odor. However, many people tend to use this oil in a diluted form when trying to mask odor has it has a very strong smell and can be a bit too much for some people. Patchouli essential oil is used as a perfume in many cultures throughout the world. Of course, though some people find the smell a bit strong, others think it is wonderful and use it without diluting it. It all depends on what you are used to.It is also used to treat bad breath, especially bad breath due to drinking alcohol.
* It is a diuretic : Patchouli essential oil is a diuretic, which means that it stimulates and regularizes urination. Urination is an important function as it keeps your system clean and gets rid of unwanted toxins like ureic acid, excess water, excess fat, excess salts, and calcium. This purifies your system and prevents the occurrence of kidney stones. It can even help you lose weight since it flushes out the extra fat from your body.
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