
Stomach Cancer

244 bytes added, 15:54, 21 October 2012
/* Home remedies */
* Epidemiological studies have found that increased consumption of Allium vegetables ([[onions]], garlic, leeks and scallions) is associated with lower risk of gastric Cancer and [[prostate Cancer]].
* [[Sulforaphane]], a powerful compound in cabbage, clobbers H. pylori (the bacteria that causes gastric and peptic [[ulcers]]) before it can get to your gut, and may even help inhibit the growth of gastric tumors.
* [[Indian Gooseberry]] (Amla) : This herb, used for centuries by ayurvedic herbalists in India to treat stomach conditions, is known to possess chemo-preventive qualities, naturally inhibiting the proliferation of cancer cells in the stomach
* beet juice is an astonishingly effective treatment for leukemia and other cancers : betanin pigments can impede tumor cell growth in tissues throughout the body, including the colon, stomach, nerves, lungs, breast, prostate, testicles.
* [[turmeric]] inhibits the growth of the H. Pylori bacteria, one of the causes of colon and gastric cancer. It has also been known to help fight [[Prostate Cancer]].