Strophanthus Hispidus

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Other Names : Estrofanto, Graines de Strophantus, Kombe, Kombe-Strophanthus Seeds, Roupellia grata, Strophanthi Grati Semen, Strophanthus caudatus, Strophanthus divaricatus, Strophanthus gratus, Strophanthi Kombe Semen, Strophanthus kombe, Strophanthus sarmentosus, Strophanthus Seeds, Strophanthus wallichii, Strophantus, Yang Guo Nau.
Strophanthus is an ornamental, evergreen, climbing shrub, native of Tropical Africa and Asia. It is used as an arrow-poison by natives of Africa.

Special Precautions of Strophanthus Hispidus

  • Only Homeopathic use !
  • Avoid using during pregnancy, it may cause miscarriage
  • It may cause arrhythmia

Health Benefits and uses of Strophanthus Hispidus are

  • pneumonia
  • exhaustion as a result of postoperative bleeding
  • hives
  • anemia with palpitations
  • breathlessness
  • pain in the temples with diplopia (double vision)
  • weak eyesight
  • senile vertigo
  • nausea in the stomach region
  • difficulty breathing (especially when climbing stairs)
  • congestion of the lungs
  • pulmonary edema
  • bronchial and cardiac asthma
