Tamarix gallica

Other NamesĀ : Jhavuka, Jhav, Jhau, French Tamarisk
is a deciduous, herbaceous, twiggy shrub or small tree reaching up to about 5 meters high. It is indigenous to Saudi Arabia and the Sinai Peninsula, and very common around the Mediterranean region. It is present in many other areas as an invasive introduced species, often becoming a noxious weed. It was first described for botanical classification by the taxonomist Carolus Linnaeus in 1753, but had already been in cultivation since 1596.

Special Precautions of Tamarix gallica

Benefits and uses of Tamarix gallica are

  • Medicinally, herbalists recommended tamarisk in the treatment of colic, jaundice, piles and snake bites.
  • In India the galls have been used in remedies for dysentery and diarrhoea.
  • As a laxative, Tamarisk is beneficial in the treatment of constipation.
  • It is also useful in bleeding disorders like menorrhagia and rectal bleeding.
  • In Algeria and surrounding areas it has been used medicinally for rheumatism, diarrhea, and other maladies.
Last modified on 26 October 2019, at 10:55