
Terminalia bellirica

57 bytes removed, 14:59, 19 July 2013
/* Benefits and uses of Terminalia Bellirica are */
==Special Precautions of Terminalia Bellirica==
==Benefits and uses of Terminalia Bellirica are==
In traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine, Beleric is known as "Bibhitaki" (Marathi: Behada) (Terminalia belerica) in its fruit form it is used in the popular Indian herbal rasayana treatment triphala which is commonly prescribed in treating asthma, biliousness, bronchitis, inflammations, sore throat, eye, nose, heart and bladder disorders.. In Sanskrit it is called vibhīdaka विभीदक.
* for controlling Kapha. It is a powerful rejuvenative herb that nourishes the lungs, throat, voice, eyes and hair.
*It expels stones or other kapha-type accumulations in the digestive, urinary, and respiratory tracts. *It is unique in being both laxative and astringent, so it purges the bowels, while simultaneously toning the tissues of the digestive tract.