

17 bytes added, 08:32, 24 May 2013
*Do not take homeopathic remedies without first consulting a homeopathic practitioner. Do not take several remedies at the same time as that is often discouraged in homeopathic treatment. Take the recommended dose only and immediately report any changes in condition to your doctor.
==The benefits of Lycopodium are==
Lycopodium works well as a homeopathic remedy for those who have great anxiety in their lives. They lack confidence though they come across as arrogant or overly sarcastic. They have a great fear of being left alone and their emotional symptoms often manifest into physical ones.
* Anxiety: Lycopodium may work well as a homeopathic remedy for those who have a great fear of failing despite their greatest efforts. A person may feel as though there is nothing they can do to boost their self esteem and feel a constant sense of apprehension. Some may have a difficult time with change and this can affect many areas of their life if left untreated.
*Digestive Disorders: Lycopodium can be of great help if there is indigestion present, particularly if it is accompanied by anxiety. There may be a bloated feeling in the abdomen and you may also experience gas and a sour stomach. There are often other symptoms present that this homeopathic remedy can help with such as hemorrhoids and nausea.
*Urogenital Problems: This is often urine that has a sort of sandy feel to it that may be due to kidney stones or genital herpes. There may also be an enlarged prostate contributing to the problem.
*Chest Infections: Those who experience a dry or sore cough that creates chest pain and fast labored breathing can expect to get the relief that they need from lycopodium. This can become worse when lying on the back and can often feel as though it’s difficult to breathe.
==Profile Type==
Lycopodium works well as a homeopathic remedy for those who have great anxiety in their lives. They lack confidence though they come across as arrogant or overly sarcastic. They have a great fear of being left alone and their emotional symptoms often manifest into physical ones.
Bureaucrat, administrator