
Natrum Muriaticum

17 bytes added, 08:33, 24 May 2013
==Benefits and uses of Natrum Muriaticum are==
The typical profile for somebody who may benefit the most from nat mur is that of a very sensitive and refined individual. They may be very set in their ways and therefore aren’t always open to an outside perspective. They may feel insulted or easily wounded by the opinions or potential insults of others around them. They tend to be rather impatient people overall and can therefore come across as abrupt in nature. These are typically very serious people and can tend to be quite moody throughout the course of a typical day. Though they like the company of others, they tend to impose loneliness upon themselves
* Common Cold:The common cold may form at anytime, but it may quickly turn into an unbearable virus to live with. When the mucus and the runny nose become the consistency of uncooked egg whites, this is when nat mur may be of the most help. Taking Nat Mur will ensure that the runny nose dissipates and that the other symptoms of the cold subside.
*Severe Headaches: Though we all may get a headache here and there, this is not the typical run of the mill headache that we’re speaking of. This is the type of headache where you feel that your head may burst, or that there is a hammering happening right there within your head. Nat mur is an effective homeopathic remedy to help calm these most severe headaches. It is also used to alleviate migraines that develop above the eyes, and those that involve vision problems as a result of them.
*Digestive Disorders: Digestive disorders may plague us in a variety of different ways. Nat mur can be particularly helpful in cases with indigestion, hard stools, constipation, and even bleeding anal fissures that may often come about as a result of digestive disorders. It is also advantageous for those who suffer with nausea and severe abdominal pain as well as given to babies who are colicky.
*Emotional Problems: Another feature about nat mur is that it is beneficial for emotional issues as well as the physical issues listed above. We see it offering the most benefits as a homeopathic remedy for those emotional issues brought on by grief. It can be particularly helpful to a woman who has missed her monthly cycle due to emotional issues.
==Profile Type==
The typical profile for somebody who may benefit the most from nat mur is that of a very sensitive and refined individual. They may be very set in their ways and therefore aren’t always open to an outside perspective. They may feel insulted or easily wounded by the opinions or potential insults of others around them. They tend to be rather impatient people overall and can therefore come across as abrupt in nature. These are typically very serious people and can tend to be quite moody throughout the course of a typical day. Though they like the company of others, they tend to impose loneliness upon themselves
Bureaucrat, administrator