
Ozonated Oil

538 bytes added, 06:05, 26 May 2013
/* Benefits and uses of Ozonated Oil are */
==Special Precautions of Ozonated Oil==
==Benefits and uses of Ozonated Oil are==
The list of uses for ozonated oil is quite large. Virtually any skin condition including acne, burns, sun burn, blisters, warts, poison ivy, poison oak, ringworm, toenail fungus, haemorrhoids, skin rejuvenator, very potent healing massage oil, bug bites and stings, cuts, scrapes, bruises etc. Other uses are on the gums for periodontal problems/disease, sexual lubricant, jock itch, fistulae, fungal problems, beauty cream, dandruff and age spots. The list gets longer as people experiment and find it to work wonders for man and beast.