
Athlete’s Foot

253 bytes removed, 05:24, 14 June 2013
/* Home remedies */
* The herb sosa (Solanum chrysotrichum) is used in Mexico as a remedy for athlete's foot. Although preliminary studies are promising, well-designed studies are needed.
* [[Garlic]] : If there’s anything garlic doesn’t like, it’s fungus, so treating your athlete’s foot with the stuff works wonders! Crush a couple of cloves and toss them in a foot bath filled with warm water. Soak for about half an hour.
* [[Neem]] is another good natural topical remedy for tinea. The salve usually works well, and if you can find an ozonated or oxygenated tea tree oil or neem salve, go for it. You can get some relief from pure unpasteurized apple cider vinegar as well.
== Warnings ==