
Athlete’s Foot

1,310 bytes added, 07:41, 26 July 2013
See also : [[Ringworm]]
Athlete’s foot is an often found infection of the skin, usually on the foot, and is caused by fungus. The most common cause of the infection is Trichophyton. The ringworm fungus “tinea” can be found in many places, including clothing, socks, pools, locker rooms and gyms. This fungus thrives and infects your upper dermal areas, when they remain irritated, warm and moist. You can be infected with fungus anywhere on your body, but the feet are obviously more prone to them, because of their moist and warm environment. The fungus can be spread when you come into contact with a person infected with it, or if you contact objects that are infected.
== Symptoms ==
Athlete’s foot usually looks like dry, peeling red skin on the sole or soles of your feet. The flaking may spread to the sides and onto the tops of the feet. Usually, though, the rash is found only on the foot soles.
Athlete’s foot has nicknames, depending on where it occurs. On the soles, it’s called “moccasin”. If it is between your toes, it’s called “interdigital”. If it’s “blistering” or “inflammatory”, it’s technically called bullous tinea pedis, and with this type, you would have thick patches of reddened, dry skin with calluses. Milder cases may appear like simple dry skin, and may or may not be inflamed or red.
== Home remedies ==
How to Prevent Athlete’s Foot : It may sound cliché, but the adage “An Ounce of Prevention is Better than a Pound of Cure” is true. And we could not argue with that. It always pays off to be informed. If you haven’t been infected with the athlete’s foot fungus yet, don’t wait for it to happen. In a previous article, I have discussed how you can prevent it from happening. With those prevention tips, you are on your way to healthier feet.The most important thing is to practice proper personal hygiene. Dry your feet thoroughly, especially the area in between your toes, before you put on your socks (read: clean socks). Cutting your toenails short, wearing comfortable shoes, and using anti-fungal talcum powder are only some of the many tips that you should keep in mind.