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Spagyric medicine is a traditional way of healing with energetic medicines derived from herbs. It works hand in hand with all therapies that focus on global healing. Combining ancient herbalist art and the latest modern scientific knowledge regarding drug safety, Spagyric essences are totally non-toxic and may be taken simultaneously with any drug therapy. Spagyric remedies rebalance the human body, soul and spirit, and awaken the patient’s own healing potentials.
Natural medicines are becoming more and more popular nowadays. Many people are familiar with plants and their medical uses, but few have ever heard of Spagyric medicine, based on the ancient concepts of Alchemy and the works of Paracelsus, the great Swiss healer of the 16th century. Paracelsus was a genuine Renaissance man – alchemist, scientist and medical visionary. His most important teaching was that Man was part of nature and that nature should be our guide in practising medicine. “Nature is the first and the biggest alchemist: the transformation of matter is nothing else but LIFE,” he wrote.
The manufacturing complex processes used to make Spagyric essences purify the plant of its toxic components and magnifies its healing power. The resulting ‘Spagyric essence’ rebalances the human being in an energetic way related to Homeopathy, but different in preparation. We could say that Spagyric medicine is a bridge between phytotherapy and homeopathy, combining the advantages of these two therapeutic systems but being a totally whole and complete system in itself.
As a natural therapeutic system, Spagyric offers a holistic solution to physical and psychic ailments. It treats the human being as a whole, (Body, Soul and Spirit). In this respect Spagyric has the same foundation as the oldest ways of healing mankind, namely Chinese, Tibetan and Ayurvedic medicines, and is totally non-toxic, without side-effects.
Spagyric also helps transform the patient: he/she is helped to evolve mentally and to understand, little by little, the real cause of his/her disease. This is an essential step in the process of healing. Paracelsus focused on stimulating the patient’s self-healing forces: complete healing of a disease does not come only by alleviating symptoms, but it must also cure emotions and fears that may have triggered it.
==Special Precautions of Spagyric Medicine==
==Special Precautions of Spagyric Medicine==
==Benefits and uses of Spagyric Medicine are==
==Benefits and uses of Spagyric Medicine are==
*Action on the body
**Immune support: this combination helps maintain a healthy immune system, most useful in winter time, or even all year long, for patients with recurring infections (ear, nose and throat problems, cystitis, vaginal mycosis, herpes, children alternating rhinopharyngitis with bronchitis or otitis, etc). One of the essences is Eleutherococcus senticosus, the Ginseng of Siberia, used by Russians for many years. It improves the body’s defences to cold, and at the same time supports the resistance of the nervous system to stress, as many diseases appear when the subject is stressed and tired.
**Drainage of the liver and the gall bladder: the essences in this combination not only help the liver functioning properly, but also support the regeneration of the hepatic cells. They assist the whole detox process by stimulating all organs involved in metabolism and detoxification. We recommend the use of this blend of essences after too much eating for example, to ensure effective digestion, and also in cases where symptoms are caused by a slight liver deficiency such as migraines, hormonal troubles, or skin problems. It is also advisable to use it as a cleanser at the beginning of spring, according to the principles of Chinese medicine that proposes drainage of the liver at that time. One of the essences in this combination, Okoubaka aubrevillei, takes care of intestinal health, so that problems of constipation or alternating diarrhoea with constipation are improved.
**Stop smoking: Unlike other labs that offer remedies to quit smoking, the specificity of this combination is that it does not only contain detoxifying and nervous support active Spagyric essences, but also essences that help resist the craving, and give the motivation to follow the cure until success.
**Hormonal balance for women: This formulation gently rebalances the hormonal system and does not contain any hormones or phytohormones, but works on the energetic level. It can be recommended during puberty, in cases of irregular cycles, heavy bleeding, premenstrual syndrome, nervous tension related to hormones, and all problems of perimenopausal women. At this time of life when body hormonal secretions vary, it will aid the transition of hormonal equilibrium after confirmed menopause. The main essence is Dioscorea villosa (Yam). This plant is regarded as a phytohormonal plant in phytotherapy, mimicking the effects of progesterone. However, the Spagyric essence of Yam is a modulating essence, expressing regulation of both female hormones, oestrogens and progesterone; the body gets the signal and re-establishes balanced hormonal functions.
*Action on the emotions : Spagyric remedies are particularly effective in managing our emotions. All holistic therapies postulate that people get sick because of underlying causes, such as emotional traumas, or situations they are not able to deal with. We can cite many causes: separation, divorce, loss of a loved one, unemployment, endless quarrels, bullying at work, sorrows, stress, etc. A child will begin to wet his bed again after the birth of a new baby, to develop eczema after his/her parents divorce, a woman will suffer from cancer after her husband has cheated on her, etc., you can find many other examples. It is a simplification to say that every disease is triggered by badly managed emotions, because we all know that many factors are to be taken into consideration, but the emotional factor in not negligible. Here are two examples among many combinations designed to assist us on our life’s path:
**In the case of an unhappy love affair, the ICM combination allows us to let go, to turn the page, and help cicatrising a broken heart. ICM helps deal with old problems, it fills us with renewed energy, and helps move us on into the future. In this combination, I stands for Iris, C for Convallaria and M for Malva. The combination is built to deal with the past, to welcome the present and to open the path to the future:
**Iris is the plant that allows us to see things – to understand them; it helps us see things positively, it broadens our perspective so that we are able to see, to know, and to act; in other words, to understand the problem and deal with it;
**Convallaria brings oxygen to our cells, renewing energy, so that in the present we are filled with all the necessary potential to move towards the future, i.e. we become able to welcome the present (even if the present situation is difficult), accept it and make the best of it, to progress with serenity into the future;
**Malva represents the change: unpleasant or sad things may have happened in the past, but we cannot let them block us in our progress. Now that the cause of the problem is identified and we are ready to move on, we benefit from the propulsive energy of Malva to begin a new life.
**In cases of bereavement, it can be complemented by TRAUER, which brings serenity, allows us to recognize our grief and eases bereavement management. In this last combination, the Spagyric essence of Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary) symbolizes love. Rosemary has been used by many cultures as a symbol of remembrance in funeral ceremonies.
**When we must pass an exam, talk in public, or simply when we fear confrontation with disagreeable persons, the UVSROIS combination protects us and eases nervous tensions. Rapid heartbeat, nervous trembling and stress decrease and we are able to talk calmly and assuredly.
*Action at the psychic level: the spirit
**Depression: widespread chronic disease in our time, depression obviously comes partly from neurobiologic factors, but fears, anxiety and anguish also play a part. The TRICYAN combination, which may be associated with other ‘depression’ remedies, is of great help.  It helps to rebalance mood swings and encourages us to open our heart to others, i.e. to regain our confidence in ourselves and Life.
**Hyperactive/‘Indigo’ Children – Many children nowadays are ‘indigo’ children: reluctant to any authority, constantly changing from one activity to another, very intelligent and sometimes showing a maturity astonishing for their age, but often difficult to manage. They are often capricious, find it difficult to adjust to school life, are bored and show it and despise their parents. The HA02 combination stabilizes them and supports their integration. This same formula can be given to hyperactive children with deficit of attention instead of the traditional allopathic treatment, and without side-effects. Other formulas can also be suggested.
**Unreasoned fears: some people are so afraid to develop cancer or any other serious illness, even though there is no antecedent or predisposition in their family, that they will probably end up getting ill. Spagyric medicine offers solutions to effectively fight these fears using well-chosen essences that match the patient. A skilled practitioner is able to propose an effective treatment to keep these fears under control.
**Negative energies of unknown origin: Most of us have experienced being in a place where there is a strange impression of unease; we cannot explain why, but we feel ill at ease, stressed or depressed with no apparent cause. The ‘space’ is full of things that cannot be seen, but is heavily felt. To evacuate all these negative energies, the CITROENS.1 supports the re-establishment of good energy, and makes it possible to live or sleep peacefully in the place in question.
[[Category:herbal medicine]]
[[Category:herbal medicine]]

Revision as of 04:13, 26 July 2013

Spagyric medicine is a traditional way of healing with energetic medicines derived from herbs. It works hand in hand with all therapies that focus on global healing. Combining ancient herbalist art and the latest modern scientific knowledge regarding drug safety, Spagyric essences are totally non-toxic and may be taken simultaneously with any drug therapy. Spagyric remedies rebalance the human body, soul and spirit, and awaken the patient’s own healing potentials.


Natural medicines are becoming more and more popular nowadays. Many people are familiar with plants and their medical uses, but few have ever heard of Spagyric medicine, based on the ancient concepts of Alchemy and the works of Paracelsus, the great Swiss healer of the 16th century. Paracelsus was a genuine Renaissance man – alchemist, scientist and medical visionary. His most important teaching was that Man was part of nature and that nature should be our guide in practising medicine. “Nature is the first and the biggest alchemist: the transformation of matter is nothing else but LIFE,” he wrote.

The manufacturing complex processes used to make Spagyric essences purify the plant of its toxic components and magnifies its healing power. The resulting ‘Spagyric essence’ rebalances the human being in an energetic way related to Homeopathy, but different in preparation. We could say that Spagyric medicine is a bridge between phytotherapy and homeopathy, combining the advantages of these two therapeutic systems but being a totally whole and complete system in itself.

As a natural therapeutic system, Spagyric offers a holistic solution to physical and psychic ailments. It treats the human being as a whole, (Body, Soul and Spirit). In this respect Spagyric has the same foundation as the oldest ways of healing mankind, namely Chinese, Tibetan and Ayurvedic medicines, and is totally non-toxic, without side-effects.

Spagyric also helps transform the patient: he/she is helped to evolve mentally and to understand, little by little, the real cause of his/her disease. This is an essential step in the process of healing. Paracelsus focused on stimulating the patient’s self-healing forces: complete healing of a disease does not come only by alleviating symptoms, but it must also cure emotions and fears that may have triggered it.

Special Precautions of Spagyric Medicine

Benefits and uses of Spagyric Medicine are

  • Action on the body
    • Immune support: this combination helps maintain a healthy immune system, most useful in winter time, or even all year long, for patients with recurring infections (ear, nose and throat problems, cystitis, vaginal mycosis, herpes, children alternating rhinopharyngitis with bronchitis or otitis, etc). One of the essences is Eleutherococcus senticosus, the Ginseng of Siberia, used by Russians for many years. It improves the body’s defences to cold, and at the same time supports the resistance of the nervous system to stress, as many diseases appear when the subject is stressed and tired.
    • Drainage of the liver and the gall bladder: the essences in this combination not only help the liver functioning properly, but also support the regeneration of the hepatic cells. They assist the whole detox process by stimulating all organs involved in metabolism and detoxification. We recommend the use of this blend of essences after too much eating for example, to ensure effective digestion, and also in cases where symptoms are caused by a slight liver deficiency such as migraines, hormonal troubles, or skin problems. It is also advisable to use it as a cleanser at the beginning of spring, according to the principles of Chinese medicine that proposes drainage of the liver at that time. One of the essences in this combination, Okoubaka aubrevillei, takes care of intestinal health, so that problems of constipation or alternating diarrhoea with constipation are improved.
    • Stop smoking: Unlike other labs that offer remedies to quit smoking, the specificity of this combination is that it does not only contain detoxifying and nervous support active Spagyric essences, but also essences that help resist the craving, and give the motivation to follow the cure until success.
    • Hormonal balance for women: This formulation gently rebalances the hormonal system and does not contain any hormones or phytohormones, but works on the energetic level. It can be recommended during puberty, in cases of irregular cycles, heavy bleeding, premenstrual syndrome, nervous tension related to hormones, and all problems of perimenopausal women. At this time of life when body hormonal secretions vary, it will aid the transition of hormonal equilibrium after confirmed menopause. The main essence is Dioscorea villosa (Yam). This plant is regarded as a phytohormonal plant in phytotherapy, mimicking the effects of progesterone. However, the Spagyric essence of Yam is a modulating essence, expressing regulation of both female hormones, oestrogens and progesterone; the body gets the signal and re-establishes balanced hormonal functions.
  • Action on the emotions : Spagyric remedies are particularly effective in managing our emotions. All holistic therapies postulate that people get sick because of underlying causes, such as emotional traumas, or situations they are not able to deal with. We can cite many causes: separation, divorce, loss of a loved one, unemployment, endless quarrels, bullying at work, sorrows, stress, etc. A child will begin to wet his bed again after the birth of a new baby, to develop eczema after his/her parents divorce, a woman will suffer from cancer after her husband has cheated on her, etc., you can find many other examples. It is a simplification to say that every disease is triggered by badly managed emotions, because we all know that many factors are to be taken into consideration, but the emotional factor in not negligible. Here are two examples among many combinations designed to assist us on our life’s path:
    • In the case of an unhappy love affair, the ICM combination allows us to let go, to turn the page, and help cicatrising a broken heart. ICM helps deal with old problems, it fills us with renewed energy, and helps move us on into the future. In this combination, I stands for Iris, C for Convallaria and M for Malva. The combination is built to deal with the past, to welcome the present and to open the path to the future:
    • Iris is the plant that allows us to see things – to understand them; it helps us see things positively, it broadens our perspective so that we are able to see, to know, and to act; in other words, to understand the problem and deal with it;
    • Convallaria brings oxygen to our cells, renewing energy, so that in the present we are filled with all the necessary potential to move towards the future, i.e. we become able to welcome the present (even if the present situation is difficult), accept it and make the best of it, to progress with serenity into the future;
    • Malva represents the change: unpleasant or sad things may have happened in the past, but we cannot let them block us in our progress. Now that the cause of the problem is identified and we are ready to move on, we benefit from the propulsive energy of Malva to begin a new life.
    • In cases of bereavement, it can be complemented by TRAUER, which brings serenity, allows us to recognize our grief and eases bereavement management. In this last combination, the Spagyric essence of Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary) symbolizes love. Rosemary has been used by many cultures as a symbol of remembrance in funeral ceremonies.
    • When we must pass an exam, talk in public, or simply when we fear confrontation with disagreeable persons, the UVSROIS combination protects us and eases nervous tensions. Rapid heartbeat, nervous trembling and stress decrease and we are able to talk calmly and assuredly.
  • Action at the psychic level: the spirit
    • Depression: widespread chronic disease in our time, depression obviously comes partly from neurobiologic factors, but fears, anxiety and anguish also play a part. The TRICYAN combination, which may be associated with other ‘depression’ remedies, is of great help. It helps to rebalance mood swings and encourages us to open our heart to others, i.e. to regain our confidence in ourselves and Life.
    • Hyperactive/‘Indigo’ Children – Many children nowadays are ‘indigo’ children: reluctant to any authority, constantly changing from one activity to another, very intelligent and sometimes showing a maturity astonishing for their age, but often difficult to manage. They are often capricious, find it difficult to adjust to school life, are bored and show it and despise their parents. The HA02 combination stabilizes them and supports their integration. This same formula can be given to hyperactive children with deficit of attention instead of the traditional allopathic treatment, and without side-effects. Other formulas can also be suggested.
    • Unreasoned fears: some people are so afraid to develop cancer or any other serious illness, even though there is no antecedent or predisposition in their family, that they will probably end up getting ill. Spagyric medicine offers solutions to effectively fight these fears using well-chosen essences that match the patient. A skilled practitioner is able to propose an effective treatment to keep these fears under control.
    • Negative energies of unknown origin: Most of us have experienced being in a place where there is a strange impression of unease; we cannot explain why, but we feel ill at ease, stressed or depressed with no apparent cause. The ‘space’ is full of things that cannot be seen, but is heavily felt. To evacuate all these negative energies, the CITROENS.1 supports the re-establishment of good energy, and makes it possible to live or sleep peacefully in the place in question.
Last modified on 26 July 2013, at 04:13