

584 bytes added, 05:39, 27 July 2013
/* Home remedies */
* Alternatives to milk : rice milk is a delicious alternative to milk. And unsweetened fermented or cultured dairy products such as yogurt, kefir, and sour cream are okay to enjoy.
* Don't smoke : smoking increases risk of getting osteoporosis.
*[[Horsetail]] - Abundant in silicon and magnesium, this is a top notch herb for reinforcing connective tissue, teeth and bones. Used as a tea twice per day, horsetail helps reverse periodontal bone loss while encouraging rapid mending of fractures and breaks. It also facilitates calcium absorption. Only use spring gathered horsetail as mature varieties can irritate the kidneys.* [[Nettle]] - Rich in calcium, magnesium, sulphur and protein along with vitamins C, D and K, nettle is a strong choice for bone health. One cup of infused nettle contains between 300-500 mg of calcium.* [[Oat Straw]] : calcium-rich oat straw has been shown to heal osteoporosis, mend bones, improve cognitive performance—and even enhance sexual performance. [[Oat Straw]] is very high in Calcium and strengthens bones and teeth by stimulating cell growth.
* [[Pears]] reduces risk of osteoporosis : Boron found in pears aids the body in retaining calcium, which is necessary for strong bones.
* [[Onions]] : Rats fed with onions have shown a 20 percent decrease in the process of bone breakdown – the same effect caused by the calcitonin drug. This significantly means that onions can decrease the risk of developing osteoporosis.
*[[Lycopene]] may help in the prevention of osteoporosis.
* [[Horsetail]] : regular consumption of Horsetail extract along with a calcium supplement may be beneficial for osteoporosis, arthritis, and conditions caused by low bone density. It's suggested to stop taking Horsetail for one week after every one month of its regular use.
* [[Oat Straw]] is very high in Calcium and strengthens bones and teeth by stimulating cell growth.
* [[Red Wine]] : drinking one or two alcoholic beverages…mainly wine…may improve bone health.The researchers suggest that the alcohol acts like estrogen in reducing bone turnover.