
Indian Gooseberry

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/* The benefits of Indian Gooseberry are */
==Special Precautions of Indian Gooseberry==
==The benefits of Indian Gooseberry are==
Indian Gooseberry is very rich in vitamin C and essential bioflavonoids that enhance the benefits of Vitamin C and synergize to protect and strengthen cell membranes. It is also rich in phytonutrient antioxidant phenols ellagic acid, gallic acid, quercetin and the tannin's emblican A & B. It also contains unique nutrients that have a powerful effect on the immune system. These nutrients include z-riboside, zeatin and z-nucleotide. Indian gooseberry is renowned for its health benefits in the mystical health philosophy of Indian Ayurveda. It was traditionally used for diarrhea, jaundice, inflammatory and digestive disorders among other things. The Ayurveda phrase, "As gold is to minerals, aamla is to the herbs," clearly explains its medicinal significance. Experts believe that Amla's nutrient synergy enhances food absorption, balances stomach acid, strengthens the liver and flushes toxins. Additionally, it seems to be great for protecting the brain from free radical stress and for promoting healthy blood flow to the skin and hair follicles. Studies have shown that the antioxidants found in Indian gooseberry have induced apoptosis and are able to modify gene expression involved in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis. According to a 2008 study, the Indian gooseberry is able to modulate osteoclast formation so as to keep bone remodeling under control. Other studies have shown it to be effective at stabilizing blood sugar, lowering triglycerides and improving both pancreatic and liver function.Amla is one of the best anti-aging and overall rejuvenators you can take on a daily basis to detoxify your body…fight hyper-acidity…build muscle…lower cholesterol…and combat cancer? 
One of the most powerful rejuvenating agents known to man is packed into one of nature’s tiniest berries. Amla, also known as Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis Gaertn. or Phyllanthus emblica Linn), is arguably the most important medicinal plant in Ayurveda, the Indian traditional system of medicine. So says a May 2011 article titled, “Amla, A Wonder Berry in the Treatment and Prevention of Cancer” published in the European journal Cancer Prevention.
*Reduce inflammation
*Prevent ulcers and dyspepsia
*Slow aging: Amla is one of the best anti-aging and overall rejuvenators you can take on a daily basis to detoxify your body…fight hyper-acidity…build muscle…lower cholesterol…and combat cancer. 
The authors of the article published in Cancer Prevention emphasized that the amla berries should be further studied for its anti-cancer effects, including radio modulatory…chemo modulatory…chemo preventive…free radical scavenging…anti-mutagenic…and immunomodulatory.