
Rhodiola Rosea

271 bytes added, 06:09, 27 September 2013
Other Names: Arctic Root, Extrait de Rhodiole, Golden Root, Hongjingtian, King's Crown, Lignum Rhodium, Orpin Rose, Racine d’Or, Racine Dorée, Racine de Rhadiola, Rhodiola Rosearosea, Commonly known as Rhodiole, Rhodiole Rougeâtre, Rodia Riza, Rose Root of the Arctic, or Rose Root Extract, Rosenroot, Roseroot, Rosewort, Sedum rhodiola, Sedum rosea, Siberian Golden Root, is almost unknown in the United StatesSiberian Rhodiola Rosea, Snowdown Rose. <br>In Arctic Siberia the location of Rhodiola Rosea plants are a closely held secret among families who live there. The emperor of China used to organize expeditions to Arctic Siberia to bring back this highly valued plant. Rhodiola Rosea is an adaptogenic herb along the lines of more famous cousins such as ginseng, ashwaganda, suma, etc.Rhodiola Rosea, however, is more powerful and may be the best adaptogenic herb available. Research by Russians began in 1931 when Rhodiola Rosea was found to increase sexual potency. In a test of 35 subjects with weak erections and/or premature ejaculations, 50 mg per day was found to provide substantial improvement in 26 of the 35. The levels of 17-ketosteroids in seminal fluid showed an increase in the production of sex hormones.Women had much the same result. 40 women with secondary amenorrhea (lack of menstruation) were given 100 to 150 mg per day of Rhodiola and 25 resumed their periods and 11 became pregnant.
==Special Precautions of Rhodiola Rosea==
==The benefits of Rhodiola Rosea are==