
Food Combination

991 bytes added, 06:52, 27 September 2013
/* Food Combinations */
*Bananas and Yogurt : Monique Ryan, author of Sports Nutrition for Endurance Athletes, suggests a smoothie containing bananas and yogurt for better absorption of muscle-repairing glucose and amino acids. After intense physical exertion, this combination speeds up muscle recovery while adding strength. A study in Australia suggests that combining carbs with caffeine post-workout also boosts muscle energy better than do carbohydrates alone.
*Omega-3 Fish and Broccoli : The carotenoids and vitamin C found in broccoli combined with the omega-3 fatty acids found in foods such as salmon and tuna create a brain booster of intense proportions. Separately, both protect the cells of the brain, increase alertness and focus, improve memory and overall cognitive ability. Combined, they have been shown to improve the scores of students who eat it prior to testing.
* Wine and Fish : Merlot and salmon may indeed be a perfect pairing. A 2008 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that European men and women who consumed as little as 4 ounces of wine a day had higher blood levels of the omega-3 fats found in fish such as trout, salmon and sardines. The same results were not found for beer or spirits. Scientists believe that heart-chummy polyphenol antioxidants in wine such as resveratrol might be responsible for the improved absorption of omega-3 fats, which have been shown to protect against myriad maladies, including depression, diabetes, mental decline and stroke.*Vegetables and Water…Your Water : Your Secret Weight Loss Weapons. Dieticians around the world believe that changing two simple things will improve your chances of shedding unwanted weight and keeping it off: Eat your vegetables and drink more water. Vegetables are naturally high in vitamins and nutrients, low in calories and provide antioxidants that boost immunity, increase energy and improve your metabolism. Adding vegetables throughout your day will give you digestion-improving fiber. Making sure you’re properly hydrated will positively impact every cell in your body and keep you out of the 75% of Americans who are chronically dehydrated.* Salty food & Bananas (Salty Foods + Potassium) : potassium, which encourages the kidneys to excrete sodium, can counter the harmful effects of sodium overload. So, when noshing on salty dishes or sodium-packed canned soups, frozen meals and fast-food fare, make sure to load up on potassium-plump fruits, vegetables and legumes at the same time.
==Special Precautions of Food Combination==