
Indian Frankincense

108 bytes added, 14:09, 27 September 2013
/* Special Precautions of Boswellia */
Indian frankincense is a tree that is native to India and Arabia. It is commonly used in the traditional Indian medicine, Ayurveda.Olibanum is another word for frankincense. It refers to a resin or “sap” that seeps from openings in the bark of several Boswellia species, including Boswellia serrata, Boswellia carterii, and Boswellia frereana. Of these, Boswellia serrata is most commonly used for medicine.
==Special Precautions of Boswellia==
*Indian frankincense usually doesn’t cause important side effectsAs with any drug or supplement, there is always a chance of an allergic reaction. HoweverBoswellia should be avoided by anyone who has a known allergy to boswellia or other plants in the Burseraceae family. Side effects with boswellia are considered rare, but some people who took it reported stomach possible side effects include: Abdominal pain, nauseaBreathing problems, and diarrheaChest pain, Diarrhea, Heartburn, Nausea, Skin irritation (hives, rashes, itchiness). When applied to the skin, it can cause allergic rash.*Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Indian frankincense Boswellia is LIKELY SAFE when used in amounts commonly found in foods. But don’t use it in the larger amounts needed not recommended for medicinal effects. Not enough is known about the safety of using Indian frankincense in these amounts use during pregnancy or breast-feedingwhile breastfeeding. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant and you have taken boswellia.
* Boswellia may decrease the effectiveness of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen and aspirin. This herb may interact with: Antibiotics, Fat-soluble drugs, Immunomodulators , Sedatives
* Boswellia may have interactions with other herbs or supplements, including: