
Liver Diseases

171 bytes added, 05:03, 4 October 2013
/* Home remedies */
* Whole Lemon-Olive Oil : Olive Oil increases the flow of bile from the liver. The lemon juice and olive oil combine together to flush toxins from the liver. Lymph will then be able to drain into the liver for processing and eliminating waste products.
* [[Siberian ginseng]] is one of only a handful of herbs that is an adaptogen, which means that it works to normalize bodily functions. It inhibits the adrenal stress response and works as an immune stimulant, particularly for fighting the effects of stress and [[depression]]. It aids the liver in detoxifying harmful toxins, including chemotherapeutic agents and radiation. Siberian ginseng also stimulates the activity of several immune system components: B and T cells, making it excellent for Chronic [[Fatigue]] Syndrome and other viral infections.
* [[Royal jelly Jelly]] is the natural result when bees combine honey and pollen. It is a powerhouse of B-complex vitamins. It also contains many other vitamins, minerals, hormones, enzymes, 18 amino acids, and natural antibacterial and antibiotic substances. It has traditionally been used to address bronchial asthma, [[pancreatitis]], Liver Diseases, insomnia, [[Stomach Ulcers]], [[Kidney Diseases]], bone fractures, immune problems, and skin disorders, but royal jelly is also effective for increasing energy.* [[Licorice]] is said to strengthen root works effectively in neutralizing strong chemicals that are found in the nerves, promote liver. It also stimulates positive reaction during the memory, and help in cases process of Liver Diseasesdetoxification. Its extract is rich in glycyrrehntinic acid that also protects the liver from extreme damage.
* Eggs are a major source of the brain enhancing B vitamin choline. Choline also helps the liver detoxify correctly and increases fat-loss potential.
* Nettles are proven to reduce water retention, while strengthening the liver, adrenal glands (the glands that deal with stress and boost energy), and kidneys.
* In Chinese medicine honey is thought to harmonize the liver.
* [[Bentonite ]] clay helps cleansing the liver, colon and skin.
* beetroot helps liver, kidney and bladder function.
* The consumption of [[Burdock Root]] benefits the health in many ways. Folk herbalists were convinced that burdock root worked best as a diuretic and diaphoretic.For several hundred years now, the burdock plant and burdock root have been used for purifying and flushing toxins from the blood stream.