

422 bytes added, 06:07, 4 October 2013
/* Special Precautions of Lignans */
Lignans are a group of chemical compounds found in plants. Lignans are one of the major classes of phytoestrogens, which are estrogen-like chemicals and also act as antioxidants. The other classes of phytoestrogens are the [[Isoflavones]] and coumestans.
==Special Precautions of Lignans==
Lignan precursors in foods are not known to have any adverse effects. Flaxseeds, which are rich in lignan precursors as well as fiber, may increase stool frequency or cause diarrhea in doses of 45-50 g/day in adults. The safety of lignan supplements in pregnant or lactating women has not been established. Therefore, lignan supplements should be avoided by women who are pregnant, breast-feeding, or trying to conceive.
==The benefits of Lignans are==
* Studies show that breast cancer is lower in countries where the intake of phytoestrogens is high...implying that these compounds may reduce breast cancer risk," says Dr. Velentzis. "Isoflavones and lignans are the most common [[phytoestrogens]] in the diet." Dr. Velentzis says your best way to fight breast cancer is to increase your lignan intake.