

2,864 bytes added, 04:46, 18 October 2013
See also :
* [[Dan Dou Chi]]
* [[Natto]]
* [[Miso]]
* [[Tempeh]]
* [[Edamame]]
* [[Genistein]]
Other Names: Cosse de Soja, Cosse de Soya, Daidzein, Daidzéine, Dolichos soja, Edamame, Estrogène Végétal, Fermented Soy, Fève de Soja, Fève de Soya, Fibre de Soja, Fibre de Soya, Frijol de Soya, Genestein, Genistein, Génistéine, Glycine gracilis, Glycine hispida, Glycine max, Glycine soja, Haba Soya, Haricot de Soja, Haricot de Soya, Hydrolyzed Soy Protein, Isoflavone, Isoflavone de Soja, Isoflavone de Soya, Isolated Soy Protein, Isolated Soybean Protein, Lait de Soja, Lait de Soya, Legume, Miso, Natto, Phaseolus max, Phytoestrogen, Phyto-œstrogène, Plant Estrogen, Protéine de Haricot de Soja Isolée, Protéine de Haricot de Soya Isolée, Protéine de Soja, Protéine de Soya, Protéine de Soja Isolée, Protéine de Soya Isolée, Shoyu, Soja, Soja hispida, Soja max, Sojabohne, Soy Bean, Soy Isoflavone, Soy Isoflavones, Soy Fiber, Soy Milk, Soy Protein, Soy Protein Isolate, Soya, Soya Bean, Soja Fermenté, Soya Fermenté, Soybean, Soybean Curd, Soybean Isoflavone, Soybean Isoflavones, Tempeh, Texturized Vegetable Protein, Tofu, Touchi.
== Soy : healthy or not? ==
Like for all things take in modurationFermented Soy vs. More investigation is necessary Unfermented Soy : I believe it's probably safer* The Asian culture uses fermented soy products such as [[miso]], until more [[Natto]], tamari, [[Tempeh]], [[Kombucha]] tea and soy sauce in their regular diets. The health benefits of eating fermented foods such as these have been proven time and again in multiple research studies.* Unfermented soy – such as that found in soy milk, cheese and burgers – tells a totally different story. Food manufacturers plaster “made with soy” on their labels and we automatically believe that product is learnedhealthy for us. The only real “miracle” is how successfully products containing unfermented soy have capitalized on the advertising dollar, to avoid concentrated spawning a growing multi-billion dollar industry. Unfermented soy supplements entirelynot only lacks the health benefits advertised…it is soy bad for you and also dangerous.
== Special Precautions of soy are: ==
* The only safe forms of soy to consume are those which have been properly fermented, such as [[Natto]], [[Tempeh]] and [[Miso]]
* Calcium levels are not the greatest. Even though they do add calcium to soymilk it is still not as healthy as natural occurring calcium but calcium can be obtained from other sources like green leafy vegetables and almonds to name a couple.
* DON'T overdose on omega-6 (linoleic) from corn, soy, sunflower, safflower or cottonseed.
* Soy food contains goitrogens. Goitrogens are compounds that interfere with thyroid function and in extreme cases can cause an enlarge thyroid. It is also contained in other foods as well. To rectify this eat a well balanced diet. If you are a vegan you should make an effort to include adequate sources of iodine in your diet.
* Estrogen is found is soy. Testosterone in males, including young boys, can be suppressed by ingesting soy products. Soy is higher in Phytoestrogens (plant-based estrogen’s) than any other source. They mimic true estrogen. Too much estrogen in the body can lead to breast cancer, infertility, decreased sexual libido and uterine fibroids. If your infant is on soy formula – the Phytoestrogens they are consuming are equal to 4 birth controls each and every day. Early-onset puberty has shot up in the past two decades…is it any wonder? The increased level of estrogen can manipulate the menstrual cycle in women.Soy contains a high number of phytoestrogens. These are an oestrogen-like chemical which is produced by plants. A study estimated that babies who are being fed a soy-based formula are being fed the equivalent of around five birth control pills worth of oestrogen every day. This amount of oestrogen is thought to be responsible for the increased amount of learning disabilities and cases of ADD/ADHD. It is also thought to be responsible for the fact that girls are now going through puberty from as young as eight or nine years old.* Phytic Acid: Unfermented soy is high in phytic acid, which, in large amounts, can block the uptake of essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and especially zinc in the intestinal tract. Unfermented soy blocks your digestive system’s ability to absorb nutrients – which is why many studies have linked soy to malnutrition. Only fermented soy is digestible by the human body. In fact, ancient Asian cultures did not consider soy edible until they learned to ferment it. The typical Asian diet includes only 2 teaspoons of soy each day – and it is fermented. It is also consumed with nutrient-dense foods such as fish.
* Soy milk and infertility have been linked together and from the information I found, giving an baby soy formula is comparable to giving a baby up to five birth control pills per day but I also found that that research has been very limited in regards to the advantages and disadvantages to babies drinking soy formula.
* The increased level of estrogen can manipulate the menstrual cycle in women.Soy contains a high number of phytoestrogens. These are an oestrogen-like chemical which is produced by plants. A study estimated that babies who are being fed a soy-based formula are being fed the equivalent of around five birth control pills worth of oestrogen every day. This amount of oestrogen is thought to be responsible for the increased amount of learning disabilities and cases of ADD/ADHD. It is also thought to be responsible for the fact that girls are now going through puberty from as young as eight or nine years old.
* soybeans are high in phytic acid, which, in large amounts, can block the uptake of essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and especially zinc in the intestinal tract.
* effects overdosing on [[isoflavones]] is still unknown. See page '[[Isoflavones]]' about possible risks of overdosing isoflavones. People who are trying to fall pregnant, those who have difficulty urinating under normal circumstances, breastfeeding moms, those with kidney problems and prostate cancer and anyone suffering from peanut allergies should avoid this ingredient.
* contains enzyme inhibitors, which hinder protein digestion and haemagluttin, which causes red blood cells to clump together and inhibits oxygen take-up and growth.
* Research has shown that babies who have been fed soy-based formulas were at higher risk for developing type-1 diabetes and thyroid disease later in life. Soy-based formulas also contain up to 1000 times more aluminium than non soy-based formulas.
*Soy has been linked to a myriad of health conditions such as infantile leukaemia, various forms of cancer, type-1 diabetes, malnutrition, thyroid dysfunction and even erectile dysfunction.
*Soy contains a large amount of anti-nutrients (otherwise known as toxins). One of these is what is referred to as enzyme inhibitors. Enzyme inhibitors block the action of the enzymes which are required to digest proteins. Even cooking the soy at high temperatures does not break down these inhibitors. As a result, consuming soy and soy products can lead to conditions such as reduced protein digestion, excessive bloating, a deficiency of essential amino acids, abnormal thyroid functions, a higher risk of breast cancer in women who have had ovaries removed and abnormal blood clotting. Mineral deficiencies of calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc have also been reported.*That being said, the only safe forms of soy to consume are those which have been properly fermented, such as Japanese natto Raw soybeans contain trypsin inhibitors and properly prepared Chinese tofucan irritate the human digestive system if not cooked sufficiently.
* Soy may lower the risk for [[Breast Cancer]] and [[Prostate Cancer]]. However One caution: Some women with breast cancer should avoid soy – talk with your doctor.
[[Category:Home remedies]]
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