
Chai Tea

117 bytes added, 18:15, 22 October 2013
/* Special Precautions of Chai Tea */
*[[Anise]] - A member of the carrot family, anise is native to Egypt and western Asia. Its sweet, licorice-like fragrance is unmistakable. Anise is said to: strengthen the liver and improve digestion, increase lactation, reduce oral bacteria and promote dental health, quiet respiratory complaints such as asthma, bronchitis, influenza and pneumonia.
==Special Precautions of Chai Tea==
See precautions [[Anise]], [[Cinnamon]], [[Cloves]] and [[Ginger]]
==Benefits and uses of Chai Tea are==
*Antioxidant : The antioxidant properties in tea are well known. Indiana University School of Medicine reports that the antioxidant effects of tea are not altered by caffeine or temperature. In an interview, Dr. James Klaunig, director of the Division of Toxicology and professor of pharmacology and toxicology at Indiana University School of Medicine, states supplements that contain tea are not as effective as tea consumed in a beverage. He goes on to say that it doesn't matter whether your tea is caffeinated or decaffeinated. Whether you choose black, green or oolong tea for your chai, you'll still benefit from a beverage rich in antioxidants.
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