
Infectious Diseases

84 bytes added, 08:56, 16 April 2011
/* Home remedies */
* Wild asparagus (Asparagus Racemosus) has been used for many years as a botanical medicine in India and Asia. It contains a phytonutrient called saponins. Saponins have anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. They assist with lowering blood pressure and help to control blood sugar levels.
* Black walnut tincture is not only high in a bio-assimilable, plant form of iodide, but it also has anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic, and fungicidal properties. The amount of iodine in black walnut tincture is so high that it can be used as a substitute for iodine antiseptics.
* Lignans in flax seed are anti-fungal, anti-cancer, and anti-viral micronutrients.
== Warnings ==
Bureaucrat, administrator