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* [[Walnut]] : Beneficial fats and antioxidants present in walnuts significantly lower incidence of prostate and breast cancer lines.
* [[Walnut]] : Beneficial fats and antioxidants present in walnuts significantly lower incidence of prostate and breast cancer lines.
* [[Apigenin]] is found able to suppress prostate cancer progression inhibiting angiogenesis and metastasis.
* [[Apigenin]] is found able to suppress prostate cancer progression inhibiting angiogenesis and metastasis.
* [[Plumbago Zeylanica]]
* [[Plumbagin]], an active constituent found in [[Plumbago Zeylanica]], Juglans regia ([[English Walnut]]), Juglans cinerea ([[Whitenut]]) and Juglans nigra ([[Blacknut]]), has found to inhibit the growth and invasion of hormone refractory prostate cancer cells
== Alternative treatments ==
== Alternative treatments ==

Revision as of 03:20, 22 November 2013

Symptoms and Causes

  • Iodine deficiency can lead to cancers of the breast, prostate, ovaries, uterus, and thyroid.
  • Loss of territory (wife leaves or man loses his job) can trigger prostate cancer (see : Mind/Body Approaches)

Home remedies

  • Epidemiological studies have found that increased consumption of Allium vegetables (onions, garlic, leeks and scallions) is associated with lower risk of gastric Cancer and prostate Cancer.
  • Sulforaphane is a phytochemical created when you chew raw broccoli and other cruciferous plants. It inhibits the growth of prostate cancer cells.
  • Green Tea : The natural polyphenol in green tea known as ECGC has been shown to be particularly effective in lowering risk of a host of cancer cell lines including prostate, colon, esophagus, bladder and pancreas.
  • Ginger (zingiber officinale) kills human prostate cancer cells while healthy prostate cells do not die.
  • Coffee contains hundreds of biologically active compounds, including potent antioxidant activity, the most unique antioxidant being methylpridinium. Methylpridinium is found almost exclusively in coffee. It has anticancer properties for colon cancer and prostate cancer.
  • the U.S. National Cancer Institute reported that Essiac Tea herbs reduced proliferation of a prostate cancer cell line. Essiac tea : 52 parts Burdock Root (cut or dried) (parts by weight), 16 parts Sheep Sorrel (powdered), 1 part: Turkey Rhubarb (powdered) or 2 parts domestic Rhubarb, 4 parts: Slippery Elm (powdered).
  • Due to the presence of Linoleic Acid, mushrooms can be instrumental in the prevention of both Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer.
  • Spinach protects the eyes, good for brain function, guards against Colon Cancer, Prostate Cancer and Breast Cancer, protects against Heart Disease, stroke and dementia, it lowers blood pressure, it's anti-inflammatory and it's great for bone health.
  • Tomatoes : alpha-tomatine is a phytonutrient that can change how prostate cancer cells develop; alpha-tomatine also causes developed cancer cells to cause suicide, which is a positive concept when wanting to prevent cancer.
  • Pygeum is used for treating symptoms of enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia, BPH) and prostate cancer.
  • Lycopene (found in Tomatoes) is particularly effective in fighting Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Cervical Cancer, and Colon Cancer. That's because lycopene accumulates in prostate tissue.
  • Red Cabbage : A study on red cabbage shows that its glucosinolate compound can prevent a variety of cancers including Prostate Cancer, Colon Cancer, Breast Cancer and Bladder Cancer. It also contains omega-3 fatty acids, folate, manganese, dietary fiber and magnesium – all of which are strong cancer-fighting nutrients.
  • frequent ejaculations — defined as 21 or more a month as opposed to 4 to 7 a month — were linked to lower prostate cancer for men of all ages.
  • Guava : Lycopene consumption of Guava is associated with significantly lower rates of Prostate Cancer.
  • Turkey Tail Mushroom : a compound called polysaccharopeptide (PSP), which comes from a type of mushroom called "Turkey Tail," is effective at targeting prostate cancer stem cells and suppressing tumor formation.
  • Ganoderma plays a role in stopping breast and prostate cancer cells from moving and binding to healthy cells and pathways in the body
  • Sanghuang mushroom not only plays a role in apoptosis. What makes it so promising as a cancer treatment is that it also inhibits the naturally invasive behavior of cancer cells. And it inhibits angiogenesis – the formation of new blood vessels that “feed” cancer cell growth.
  • beet juice is an astonishingly effective treatment for leukemia and other cancers : betanin pigments can impede tumor cell growth in tissues throughout the body, including the colon, stomach, nerves, lungs, breast, prostate, testicles.
  • Cranberries have cancer-preventive benefits especially likely in the case of breast, colon, lung, and prostate cancer.
  • Modified Citrus Pectin : Several animal studies found that MCP helped reduce the spread of prostate, breast, and skin cancer.
  • Grape seed extracts may prevent the growth of breast, stomach, colon, prostate, and lung cancer cells in test tubes.
  • Saw palmetto is often used in the treatment of prostate cancer.
  • An extract from Bitter Melon helped prevent the spread of cancerous cells to lungs from a prostate tumor,
  • The flavonoid fisetin in strawberries helps protect the leaves and fruit from insects. In the human body, it has been shown to protect neurons and combat Alzheimer's Disease. It is also considered to be a weapon against Prostate Cancer. And now researchers have discovered it can fight diabetes.
  • Grape seed extract shows remarkable protective effects against three major cancers: squamous cell carcinoma and prostate and hematologic malignancies.
  • Soy may lower the risk for Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer.
  • turmeric inhibits the growth of the H. Pylori bacteria, one of the causes of colon and Gastric Cancer. It has also been known to help fight Prostate Cancer.
  • walnuts help protect against prostate cancer.
  • Zinc is a powerful protective agent against prostate cancer.
  • pomegranate helps in fighting breast, prostate and lung cancer.
  • frankincense : tirucallic acids extracted from frankincense successfully killed cultured human prostate cancer cells.
  • Capsaicin has a profound anti-proliferative effect on human prostate cancer cells in culture.
  • Eating papaya daily and pairing it with green tea can help prevent the development of prostate cancer, according to case-control studies conducted.
  • Avocadoes are effective in preventing mouth and skin cancer, as well as prostate cancers.
  • Oregano contains carvacrol. This compound is found in an array of plants and herbs including wild bergamot, thyme and pepperwort. But it’s most abundant in oregano. Carvacrol induces apoptosis or cell suicide in prostate cells. The higher the concentration, the more cell death.
  • Vitamin D3 helps prevent prostate cancer.
  • Resveratrol might be used to create a cure for even the most aggressive prostate cancers.
  • Walnut : Beneficial fats and antioxidants present in walnuts significantly lower incidence of prostate and breast cancer lines.
  • Apigenin is found able to suppress prostate cancer progression inhibiting angiogenesis and metastasis.
  • Plumbagin, an active constituent found in Plumbago Zeylanica, Juglans regia (English Walnut), Juglans cinerea (Whitenut) and Juglans nigra (Blacknut), has found to inhibit the growth and invasion of hormone refractory prostate cancer cells

Alternative treatments



Medical Disclaimer

This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any treatment or dietary changes.