

1 byte added, 06:40, 23 November 2013
/* The benefits of Yarrow are */
*intestinal bleeding - astringent quality helps to alleviate this condition
*intestinal issues like colic, cramps and flatulence - antispasmodic quality helps to relief these symptoms
*menstrual conditions, such as heavy menstruation or menstrual bleeding, uterus *blockages - provides relief and helps to heal
*sore throats - provides relief, especially when taken hot
*Externally, the yarrow herb has been used, and is reputedly very effective, for helping to heal bruises, burns, cuts, swelling, ulcers and wounds on the skin or body surface. This is usually carried out using poultices made from the whole plant, yarrow leaves, or powder produced by grinding up dried yarrow tops. Infusions are also used to wash the skin to help deal with skin conditions, for example eczema. In addition, the essential oils of yarrow are sometimes rubbed on affected skin.