

140 bytes added, 06:57, 6 December 2013
/* The benefits of Liquorice are: */
Licorice is a powerful antiviral containing 10 antioxidants, 25 fungicidal and 9 expectorant compounds.
* Licorice acts similar to cortisone – without the side effects. Cortisone has been known to reduce inflammatory processes by decreasing swelling and pain. However, it has also been known to suppress the function of the immune system, making the one receiving it more prone to sickness. With licorice, you get the same anti-inflammatory effect minus the immune system suppression. But consult a professional herbalist before you decide to take licorice on a long-term basis. Long-term use may increase one’s blood pressure levels.
*Licorice is used as a traditional treatment for gastric and duodenal ulcers.* Licorice Root has been used as a laxative; to adjust blood sugar, reduce pain from ulcer and arthritis.
* Steep licorice root and blend with herbal teas to treat gastric disorders and to stimulate the kidneys and bowel.
* The compound glycyrrhizic acid, found in liquorice, is now routinely used throughout Japan for the treatment and control of chronic viral [[hepatitis]].
* May be used as a topical antiviral agent for shingles, ophthalmic, oral or genital [[herpes]]
* Licorice powder has been used externally to treat genital [[herpes]] and [[Cold Sores]] (herpes simplex virus). It is said to strengthen the nerves, promote the memory, and help in cases of [[Liver Diseases]].
* In herbalism it is used in the [[Hoxsey ]] anti-cancer formula, and is a considered adaptogen which helps reregulate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. It can also be used for auto-immune conditions including lupus, scleroderma, [[Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)]] and animal dander allergies.
* Useful in irritable conditions of mucous memberane of Urinary organs. Useful in [[Sore Throat]], cough, [[Anorexia Nervosa]] and persistent low fever.
* Recent studies indicate that glycyrrhizic acid disrupts latent [[Kaposi's Sarcoma (KS)]]
* The phytoestrogens have the same effects as that of mild estrogen which is the best defense against pre-menstrual syndrome and other discomforts caused by menstruation and menopausal. In addition, this sweet root can help ease the symptoms that accompanies pre-menstrual syndrome ([[PMS]]) and menopausal such as bloating, the swelling and tenderness of the breast, and irritability.
* Not only is licorice an adaptogen and strong anti-viral, but it can also be used specifically in the treatment of [[Barrett's Esophagus]].
* [[Adrenal Fatigue]] : Licorice is known to stimulate the production of the adrenal cortex hormone called cortin which is essential for helping your body cope with mental and emotional stress
[[Category:herbal medicine]]
[[Category:home remedies]]
[[Category:Food Therapy]]