
Burdock Root

4 bytes removed, 07:12, 6 December 2013
/* The benefits of Burdock Root are */
==The benefits of Burdock Root are==
*Burdock is used as a tonic for its immune-strengthening capabilities. * It has been used for centuries as a diuretic and to clear the blood of toxins by stimulating perspiration. * When applied topically, it is used to relieve certain skin conditions, such as psoriasis, acne and eczema. Burdock is also being used * to lower blood sugar, * to treat digestive troubles, * minor skin infections, * colds, * sore throat, * flu, * HIV and * rheumatoid arthritis and * to stimulate bile production. * Cancer : Historically, burdock has also been used to treat cancer. There have not been many studies performed on burdock, so evidence of its effectiveness is mostly anecdotal.
*[[Essiac Tea]] for Cancer. In the 1920s, nurse Rene Caisse marketed a cancer-fighting herbal preparation containing burdock that was based on a traditional Ojibwa medicine. The exact formula remains secret, but contains burdock, slippery elm, sheep sorrel and Turkish rhubarb. Taken in a tea, it continues to be used as an alternative anti-cancer remedy. The National Cancer Institute states that several reputable scientific studies have found no proof that Essiac is effective in slowing or stopping the growth of cancer cells, and it has not been approved by the FDA as a drug. Consult your doctor before using Essiac or burdock for cancer.
* Skin cancer : See : [[Escharotic salves]]