
Lung Cancer

1 byte added, 11:45, 7 December 2013
/* Home remedies */
* [[Pawpaw]] suppressed growth in cultured cells of several cancers, such as leukemia, small-cell Lung Cancer, Colon Cancer,Melanoma, Ovarian Cancer, Renal Cancer.
* [[papaya]] leaf tea is an effective remedy for cancer. A study at the University of Florida found that papaya slowed the growth of a wide variety of tumors, including those of the breast, lung, pancreas, cervix, and liver.
* [[Beta-Cryptoxanthin]] (in papaya, mango, peaches, oranges, tangerines, bell peppers, corn and watermelon)seems to reduce the risk of lung cancer and colon cancer.
* beet juice is an astonishingly effective treatment for leukemia and other cancers : betanin pigments can impede tumor cell growth in tissues throughout the body, including the colon, stomach, nerves, lungs, breast, prostate, testicles.
* [[Cranberries]] have cancer-preventive benefits especially likely in the case of breast, colon, lung, and prostate cancer.