

351 bytes added, 12:46, 7 December 2013
/* Special Precautions of Bhallataka */
See also : [[Anacardium Orientale]] (Homeopathy)
==Special Precautions of Bhallataka==
* If taken in excess quantity, it is poisonous to our body : fatal dose is considered to be about 10 gms. Dead may occur within 12-24 h. (antidote : Oral intake of Symplocos laurine (Lodhra) kashaya)
*Since it is very hot in potency, it is used only after purification procedures.
*produces wounds, merely by skin contact(antidote : The juice extracted from meghanada (Ameranthus tricolor) mixed with butter if applied locally subsides the swelling caused by Bhallataka.
*causes inflammation on skin contact
==Benefits and uses of Bhallataka are==
* wounds and skin infections : When mixed with coconut or sesame oil and applied topically, bhallataka treats wounds and skin infections. Some add garlic and onions to the concoction as well.