
Sound Therapy

422 bytes added, 06:20, 22 December 2013
==ChantChants and Mantra==
Singing very simple chants has another effect. After a period of chanting the mind becomes relaxed and clearer. This effect is used in most spiritual traditions. In India this practice is called 'kirtan'. Chants and mantras are usually sung in Sanskrit. Sanskrit is said to be the language of the Gods and is the oldest language known to man. Sanskrit mantras have a particularly powerful healing effect on the body and mind. When used repetitively they help us to enter a meditative state.Sanskrit mantras stimulate the body's subtle energy field, raising the kundalini energy that lies at the base of the spine.
Over time music became more complex in Western society. The singer and musician have to stay more concentrated in their left brain function. Consequently we have lost much of the healing power of sound in our modern music.
When the mind repeats the same phrase over and over again, we relax and find ecstatic states of joy and inner peace. This is particularly the case when we sing or chant with great devotion.
Bureaucrat, administrator