

485 bytes added, 07:22, 22 December 2013
*INTEGRAL : Integral is a gentle hatha style of yoga based on the ideas and principals of Sri Swami Sachidananda, who sought to give followers guidelines on how to improve their lives. In an attempt to integrate mind, body and spirit, classes also include pranayama, chanting, and meditation.
*MOKSHA : Moksha is a new style of hot yoga that is rapidly spreading in the U.S. and Canada, where it was founded in 2004. Moksha is a series of 40 poses done in a heated room. The studios are expected to adhere to environmentally conscious building and cleaning standards.
* Nāda yoga : is an ancient Indian metaphysical system. It is both a philosophical system, a medicine, and- as the name suggests- a form of yoga. The system's theoretical and practical aspects are based on the premise that the entire cosmos and all that exists in the cosmos, including human beings, consists of sound vibrations, called nāda. This concept holds that it is the sound energy in motion rather than of matter and particles which form the building blocks of the cosmos.
*RESTORATIVE : Restorative yoga makes use of props to support the body as it relaxes into poses over the course of several minutes. The idea is to stay in each pose long enough to encourage passive stretching. Seated forward bends, gentle supine back-bends, and twists are examples of the type of poses that can be adapted to be restorative with the addition of props like blankets and bolsters.
*SIVANANDA : The first Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center was founded in 1959 by Swami Vishnu-devananda, a disciple of Swami Sivananda. There are now close to 80 locations worldwide, including several ashrams. Sivananda yoga is based upon five principles, including the practices of asana, pranayama, and meditation.
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