
Sound Therapy

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*Pythagoras lived on the Greek island of Samos from 560-480 BC. He is credited with the invention of the monochord and the discovery of the harmonic ratios in sound. Pythagoras said "study the monochord and you will know the secrets of the universe". The monochord is a long wooden box with one long string attached to two raised pieces of wood to permit it to vibrate. When the string is plucked it produces a sound that is called the fundamental tone of the string. Using a wooden bridge we can divide the string in two. When either half of the now divided string is plucked it will produce the same note as the fundamental except it will be an octave (eight notes) higher, since it is vibrating twice as fast as the vibration of the fundamental. If the string were divided equally into three, the note produced would be different from the fundamental note. If the fundamental note was 'C' the note produced would be 'G', an octave above the fundamental note. If the string were divided equally into four the note produced would be a 'C', the same note as the fundamental note but two octaves higher. Pythagoras found that whenever the whole string was plucked, higher sounds would be created at the same time as the fundamental note. These higher sounds or 'harmonics' were mathematically related in frequency to the fundamental note through whole number ratios of 2:1, 3:1, 4:1. These harmonics were related to each other in ratios of 2:3, 4:3, 5:8. Pythagoras discovered that these ratios were found in the proportions used in art and architecture.Pythagoras saw the universe as a giant monochord, an instrument that stretched between heaven and earth. The higher sounds were those of pure spirit and the lower ones were those of the earth. Pythagoras found the harmonic intervals in all phenomena in nature, the elements, the planets and constellations. In the 1920's a German scientist called Hans Kayser developed a theory of harmonics based on Pythagoras's work. Kayser states that the whole number ratios of musical harmonics are found in the basic laws of chemistry, physics, crystallography, astronomy, architecture, spectroanalysis, botany and other natural sciences. <span class="plainlinks">[ Example : Wolfram Wieser - Obertongesang, Monochord ]</span>
* Did you know that simply listening to a single musical note that vibrates at 528 Hz has been shown to repair your DNA? All music that we’re familiar with consists of notes from the 12-Tone Equal Temperament Scale. Each individual note has vibrational limits. However, there is an ancient 6-tone scale of electro-magnetic frequencies called the original Solfeggio Scale. This scale, which was lost for centuries and was just recently rediscovered accidentally by Dr. Joseph Puleo, is said to hold unlimited potential in healing and personal transformation. One of the notes on the Solfeggio Scale, particularly the one that vibrates at 528 Hz has been used by biochemists to repair human DNA. The frequency of 528 Hz appears to influence the water molecules that surround the DNA helix, thereby bringing about healing effects on DNA. Perhaps the leading proponent of the miraculous healing power of the 528 Hz Solfeggio note is Dr. Leonard Horowitz, world famous author of 15 health science books, and Harvard graduated public health expert. According to Dr. Horowitz, all healing occurs from sonic waves or vibrations, specific frequencies of sound, resonating throughout the universe. He claims that human cells use DNA, like radios use antennae, to receive the note vibrations and attune the body’s rhythm to that of the cosmos. He refers to the 528 Hz Solfeggio note as “the frequency of love” which, in addition to providing health benefits, opens the portals to spiritual transformation. This is echoed by Dr. Candice Pert, PhD, who states that energy and vibration go all the way to the molecular level. She further states that we have 70 different receptors on the molecules — and when vibration and frequency reaches that far, they begin to vibrate. This vibration, which happens at the cellular level, opens the chromosomes and exposes the DNA to the frequencies. Experiments involving in vitro DNA exposed to different recordings of musical styles have been performed by Glen Rein of the Quantum Biology Research Lab in New York.Four styles of music for health, including Gregorian chants that use the Solfeggio scale, were converted to scalar audio waves and played via a CD player to test tubes containing in vitro DNA.The effects of the music were determined by measuring the DNA test tube samples’ absorption of UV light after an hour of exposure to the music. The absorption of UV light is regarded as a significant effect on DNA because when the DNA helix unwinds, it allows such absorption.The results of Glen Rein’s experiments showed that the Gregorian chants caused a significant increase in the absorption of UV light versus rock music, which had little or no effect.It was concluded that the audible sound waves of the Solfeggio scale can cause resonance in DNA and can, indeed, have profound healing effects. <span class="plainlinks">[ Example : Solfeggio Harmonics - 528 HZ ]</span>
* Jonathan Goldman in his book 'Healing Sounds - The Power of Harmonics' says: - "When we have learned techniques for harmonic toning, the human voice is able to create nearly every frequency, at least within the bandwidth of audible frequency". Jonathan offers the simple formula: - "Frequency plus Intention equals Healing". If we can find the right sound frequency coupled with the right intention then healing will occur. Intention is another important principle underlying the way sound healing works. If we sing a pure sound to another person with a pure intention then healing will occur. Every action we perform has a conscious or unconscious intention behind it. We can see the principle of intention at work when a mother sings her baby to sleep. In a Sound Healing treatment, the sound carries our intention to the person receiving treatment.
==Sound Therapy and Cancer Cells==
Fabien Maman's research has shown how sound can destroy cancer cells. Cancer cells were found to become unstable and disintegrate when they were played all the notes of the musical scale. "In contrast healthy cells absorbed and integrated the sound without resistance." (Fabien Maman - The Role of Music in the 21st Century - Book 1)
==Chants and Mantra==
Singing very simple chants has another effect. After a period of chanting the mind becomes relaxed and clearer. This effect is used in most spiritual traditions. In India this practice is called 'kirtan'. Chants and mantras are usually sung in Sanskrit. Sanskrit is said to be the language of the Gods and is the oldest language known to man. Sanskrit mantras have a particularly powerful healing effect on the body and mind. When used repetitively they help us to enter a meditative state.Sanskrit mantras stimulate the body's subtle energy field, raising the kundalini energy that lies at the base of the spine.Over time music became more complex in Western society. The singer and musician have to stay more concentrated in their left brain function. Consequently we have lost much of the healing power of sound in our modern music.
When the mind repeats the same phrase over and over again, we relax and find ecstatic states of joy and inner peace. This is particularly the case when we sing or chant with great devotion. <span class="plainlinks">[ Example : Healing Mantra]</span>
Slower tempo music slows our breathing rate. The human heartbeat will tend to match the rhythm of music. Researchers at Louisiana State University found that listening to hard driving rock music increased the heart rates of young adults working out. Easy listening music allowed them to do longer training sessions and experience lower heart rates.
Music influences the limbic system of the brain through pitch and rhythm affecting our emotions, feelings and sensations. Listening to certain music calms the nervous system and improves metabolism.
==Resonance==* Tuning fork therapy is a gentle form of healing that works on the body and the energy field. The tuning forks that are used are specially designed to create a rich spectrum of harmonics. There are two types of tuning forks: plain and weighted. The plain forks produce vibrations that work on the energy field around the body. These tuning forks allow the healer to create all the musical intervals. Listening to musical intervals has a balancing and healing effect on the body, mind and emotions. The most commonly used musical interval is the fifth. The C and G tuning forks are used to create this interval. This interval balances the Yin and Yang energy in the body. It also balances the two sides of the brain. The C and G tuning forks are part of a set of eight tuning forks that create a wide range of musical intervals that can be used to move energy and balance the chakras. Crystal Tuners are good for space clearing. Angel Tuners are used to connect with the angelic energies. The weighted tuning forks produce physical vibrations that work on many levels. The primary focus is working on muscles, bones and soft tissue. These tuning forks help to release pain and tension held in the joints and muscles. The weighted tuning forks can also be used on acupressure, reflexology and EFT points to great effect. The Om Tuner is wonderful for inducing a sate of deep relaxation and meditation.* * Did you know that simply listening to a single musical note that vibrates at 528 Hz has been shown to repair your DNA? All music that we’re familiar with consists of notes from the 12-Tone Equal Temperament Scale. Each individual note has vibrational limits. However, there is an ancient 6-tone scale of electro-magnetic frequencies called the original Solfeggio Scale. This scale, which was lost for centuries and was just recently rediscovered accidentally by Dr. Joseph Puleo, is said to hold unlimited potential in healing and personal transformation. One of the notes on the Solfeggio Scale, particularly the one that vibrates at 528 Hz has been used by biochemists to repair human DNA. The frequency of 528 Hz appears to influence the water molecules that surround the DNA helix, thereby bringing about healing effects on DNA. Perhaps the leading proponent of the miraculous healing power of the 528 Hz Solfeggio note is Dr. Leonard Horowitz, world famous author of 15 health science books, and Harvard graduated public health expert. According to Dr. Horowitz, all healing occurs from sonic waves or vibrations, specific frequencies of sound, resonating throughout the universe. He claims that human cells use DNA, like radios use antennae, to receive the note vibrations and attune the body’s rhythm to that of the cosmos. He refers to the 528 Hz Solfeggio note as “the frequency of love” which, in addition to providing health benefits, opens the portals to spiritual transformation. This is echoed by Dr. Candice Pert, PhD, who states that energy and vibration go all the way to the molecular level. She further states that we have 70 different receptors on the molecules — and when vibration and frequency reaches that far, they begin to vibrate. This vibration, which happens at the cellular level, opens the chromosomes and exposes the DNA to the frequencies. Experiments involving in vitro DNA exposed to different recordings of musical styles have been performed by Glen Rein of the Quantum Biology Research Lab in New York.Four styles of music for health, including Gregorian chants that use the Solfeggio scale, were converted to scalar audio waves and played via a CD player to test tubes containing in vitro DNA.The effects of the music were determined by measuring the DNA test tube samples’ absorption of UV light after an hour of exposure to the music. The absorption of UV light is regarded as a significant effect on DNA because when the DNA helix unwinds, it allows such absorption.The results of Glen Rein’s experiments showed that the Gregorian chants caused a significant increase in the absorption of UV light versus rock music, which had little or no effect.It was concluded that the audible sound waves of the Solfeggio scale can cause resonance in DNA and can, indeed, have profound healing effects. <span class="plainlinks">[ Example : Solfeggio Harmonics - 528 HZ ]</span>* Crystal bowls are made of 99% quartz crystal. There are three main types of crystal bowl; opaque bowls, optically clear bowls and practitioner bowls that are held and used directly over a person during a sound healing session. The human body is crystalline in its make up. The bones contain crystals as do the blood and tissue salts. There is therefore a resonance between the crystals in the body and the crystal bowls. During a crystal bowl healing session a variety of bowls are used. The large bowls are deeper in resonance while the clear bowls produce higher frequency sounds. The sounds of the crystal bowls promote a gentle healing on many levels: mind, body and spirit.
Repetitive drumming slows down our brain rhythm helping us to experience trance like states. These techniques, prominent in shamanic practices, allow the healer or client to leave normal conscious awareness in order to journey to other realms of consciousness. Here, healing can take place.
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