
Bitter Leaf

10 bytes removed, 09:01, 26 December 2013
Other Names : Vernonia amygdalina, Onugbu, Shiwaka, Ewuro by the Igbos, Hausas, Yorubas
==Special Precautions of Bitter Leaf==
==Benefits and uses of Bitter Leaf are==
* Stomach ailments : Bitter leaf also cures mild stomach ailments
* A cup of bitter leaf juice a day, energizes you
* Breast Cancer : **Adding bitter leaf in addition to that routine may also lessen the risk of breast cancer, according to the February 2004 edition of Experimental Biology and Medicine.**Prostate Cancer : Bitter leaf works wonders for prostate enlargement, and some say it heals prostate cancer.
* Lowers cholesterol : Using a bitter leaf extract supplement on animals during a study decreased bad (LDL) cholesterol by nearly half, while simultaneously raising good (HDL) cholesterol levels. There are no studies, however, providing a definitive determination of how bitter leaf will effect a human body's cholesterol levels.
* Lymphatic cleanse : If you are a smoker or someone who is breathing second hand smoke, using bitter leaf is helpful for acting as a shield against the pollutants that pour from cigarettes while burning. Through the consumption of bitter leaf juice, smokers and those breathing second hand smoke can help protect themselves against the health dangers associated with the habit.