

111 bytes added, 17:08, 11 January 2014
/* Special Precautions of Fenugreek */
Alholva, Bird's Foot, Bockshornklee, Bockshornsame, Chandrika, Egypt Fenugreek, Fenogreco, Fenugrec, Foenugraeci Semen, Foenugreek, Greek Clover, Greek Hay, Greek Hay Seed, Hu Lu Ba, Medhika, Methi, Methika, Sénégrain, Sénégré, Trigonella, Trigonella Foenum, Trigonella foenum-graecum, Trigonella foenugraecum, Trigonelle, Woo Lu Bar.
== Special Precautions of Fenugreek ==
* Do not take fenugreek without first talking to your doctor if you have a bleeding or blood clotting disorder or diabetes, or if you are taking any medicines to prevent or treat a blood clotting disorder or diabetes. Fenugreek has been reported to affect blood clotting and blood sugar levels.* Fenugreek may also interact with diabetes medications. Fenugreek may interact with medications that slow blood-clotting (Anticoagulant / Antiplatelet drugs).*Although uncommon, allergic reactions to fenugreek have been reported. Stop taking fenugreek and seek emergency medical attention if you experience symptoms of a serious allergic reaction including difficulty breathing; closing of your throat; swelling of your lips, tongue, or face; or hives.*Fenugreek may change the color and smell of the urine. Although this is not harmful, your doctor may question this change in color or odor since it may be similar to that caused by the metabolic disorder "maple syrup urine disease".*Fenugreek may not be safe for children.
== The benefits of Fenugreek are ==
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