
Hong Zao

67 bytes added, 08:26, 12 January 2014
Other Names : Da Zao, Fructus Jujubae, 大枣, 红枣, red date, Chinese date, Korean date, Indian date<br>See also : *[[Jujube]]*[[Suan Zao Ren]]
==Special Precautions of Hong Zao==
It is used with cautions in cases of damp-phlegm or food stagnation because it can help dampness produce heat, and induce distention in middle energizer.
*Restlessness and insomnia due to heart deficiency : It can nourish heart blood and induce tranquilization. For restlessness, insomnia and unstablity of laugh and cry due to malnourishment of heart caused by overstrain injury of heart and spleen, it is commonly combined with heart yin-nourishing and heart qi-tonifying herbs. For instance, it is used with Fu Xiao Mai and Gan Cao in Gan Mai Da Zao Tang. For palpitation, insomnia and amnesia due to deficiency of heart and spleen, it is combined with qi-tonifying, blood-nourishing and tranquilizing herbs. For instance, it is used with Ren Shen, Dang Gui and Suan Zao Ren in Gui Pi Tang from Ji Sheng Fang.
*Blood deficiency syndromes : It is indicated for sallow complexion due to blood deficiency, because it has the actions of tonifying qi and nourishing blood. For blood deficiency syndromes, it is combined with qi and blood tonics, such as Dang Shen, Dang Gui and Shu Di Huang. Besides, it is used in some prescriptions to protect stomach qi and alleviate toxicity of some herbs. For instance, it is used with Gan Sui, Da Ji and Yuan Hua in Shi Zao Tang from Shang Han Lun, in order to protect stomach qi and relieve toxicity and violent action of the three herbs. Furthermore, it is combined with Sheng Jiang in this formula to enhance the action of harmonizing spleen and stomach.
==Used in Patent medecines==
* [[Gui Pi Tang]]
[[Category:Chinese medicine]]
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