

276 bytes added, 17:51, 13 January 2014
/* The benefits of garlic are */
* Toothaches : Simply put some crushed garlic clove directly on the affected tooth can help relieve toothaches due to its antibacterial and analgesic properties. But be aware that it can be irritating to the gum.
* Reduce weight : Many researchers believe that obesity is a state of long-term low-grade inflammation. According to recent research, garlic may help to regulate the formation of fat cells in our body. Pre-adipocytes are converted into fat cells (adipocytes) through inflammatory system activity. The anti-inflammatory property of 1, 2-DT (1, 2-vinyldithiin) found in garlic may help inhibit this conversion. This may help prevent weight gain.
* [[anti-inflammatory]] due to diallyl sulphide and thiacremonone. 1,2-DT (1,2-vinyldithiin) is one of the unique sulfur compounds in garlic that has long been recognized as having anti-inflammatory properties. * Detox : It helps stimulate the liver into producing important detoxification enzymes that will help filter out toxic residues in the digestive system. The sulfur compounds in garlic - the most well known is Allicin - promote the body's detoxifying activities. Garlic is also a good mercury chelator.(detoxifies the body by Heavy metal removal): see [[chelating agents]]
* Source of [[Inulin]]