

42 bytes added, 05:30, 22 April 2011
/* The benefits of Liquorice are: */
* The compound glycyrrhizic acid, found in liquorice, is now routinely used throughout Japan for the treatment and control of chronic viral [[hepatitis]].
* May be used as a topical antiviral agent for shingles, ophthalmic, oral or genital [[herpes]]
* Licorice powder has been used externally to treat genital [[herpes ]] and cold sores [[Cold Sores]] (herpes simplex virus). It is said to strengthen the nerves, promote the memory, and help in cases of liver disease[[Liver Diseases]].* In herbalism it is used in the Hoxsey anti-cancer formula, and is a considered adaptogen which helps reregulate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. It can also be used for auto-immune conditions including lupus, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis [[Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)]] and animal dander allergies.* Useful in irritable conditions of mucous memberane of Urinary organs. Useful in sore throat[[Sore Throat]], cough, [[anorexia ]] and persistent low fever.
* Recent studies indicate that glycyrrhizic acid disrupts latent [[Kaposi's Sarcoma (KS)]]
* Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) is part of a traditional Chinese herbal mixture that is considered effective for [[psoriasis]].* Bronchitis[[Bronchiti]]s: Mix 5 grams of powdered licorice root with raw honey and take up to three times per day. The herb may also be chewed directly. Expectorant and anti-inflammatory, licorice makes an excellent remedy for persistent coughs and lung infections.* The herb is also said to reduce the incidence of [[asthma ]] attacks.
* Tea made from licorice and blended with other anti-spasmodic herbs is often recommended for menstrual cramps.
* Detox: In certain Asian countries, licorice is used to rid the body of poisons such as salmonella or as an antidote to overuse of drugs.
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