
Gan Mao Ling

263 bytes added, 10:49, 15 February 2014
/* Benefits and uses of Gan Mao Ling are */
==Benefits and uses of Gan Mao Ling are==
Gan Mao Ling is an extremely effective patent remedy for the treatment of viral colds. It has a high percentage of strong anti-viral herbs. These herbs are known for their effectiveness in combating viral cold. Use for flu and common cold following unsuccessful application of Yin Chiao formulas. Can be taken as a preventative when exposed to flu or common cold in others. Yin Chiao works best for colds that begin in the throat while Gan Mao Ling appears to work best for colds that begin in the nose.*Gan Mao Ling can be used as a cold preventative alone or in combination with Yin Chiao at the early (yang ming) stage of a cold or flu. It is also used alone or in combination with Zong Gan Ling for added relief of symptoms at the later (shao yang) stage.*This product may be most helpful when a cold or flu is accompanied by a cough or sinus infection. Use this product for acute problems only. Several of the herbs in this formula are of recent discovery and are not mentioned in classical medical literature. Ilex gang mei gen, evodia san cha ku, and vitex huang jing cao, along with better known isatis, lonicera, and chrysanthemum have recently been shown to have strong antiviral effects.* Use alone or combine with Yin Chiao at the onset of cold or flu or.* Use alone or combine with Zong Gan Ling for stronger relief of cold or flu symptoms.*Use when cough or sinus congestion is present at the onset of a cold or flu.* May be especially useful when cold begins in the nose. For colds beginning in the throat add Yin Chiao
Gan Mao Ling supports the health of the respiratory system, immune system, nervous system, sinuses, stomach and bowels, and the general well-being of the body. It clears heat, resolves toxin, dispels wind, relieves cough, opens the nasal passages, brightens the eyes. It will shorten the duration of the cold or flu.
Clears heat, resolves toxin, dispels wind, relieves cough, opens the nasal passages, brightens the eyes. Use for shaoyang and yangming stages of pathogenic wind with symptoms of flu, fever with chills, headache, sore throat, red eyes, stiffness of the upper back and neck, nasal discharge, general aching, and swollen lymph glands. Useful in ear infection, sinus infection and viral pneumonia. Good for all types of viral infections.
* Ilex root, [[Gang Mei Gen]], clears heat and resolves toxins
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