
Hui Chun Wan

547 bytes removed, 16:27, 16 February 2014
/* Ingredients */
*[[Mu Xiang]]
*[[Niu Huang]]
Herb Functions
Clears the heart, opens the orifices, awakens the spirit, vaporizes phlegm - delirium or coma due to wind-heat or hot diseases with hot phlegm obstructing the pericardium.
Clears the liver, relieves toxicity, extinguishes wind, stops tremors - spasms, tremors, convulsions with high fever due to heat entering the liver.
Drains heat and relieves fire toxicity - red, painful, swollen, or ulcerated throat as well as for sores, carbuncles, boils, and a wide variety of hot swellings.
Do not use during pregnancy.
*[[Quan Xie]]
Herb Functions
Bureaucrat, administrator