

424 bytes added, 06:28, 27 February 2014
/* Home remedies */
*[[Ginseng]] is one of the most researched natural remedies for cold treatment and prevention.
* [[Echinacea]] is a popular herb used to reduce the symptoms and duration of the common cold.
* Chicken soup may speed healing by killing off some of the virus cells and soothing a sore throat or stuffy nose. Scientists believe chicken soup acts as an anti-inflammatory by inhibiting the movement of neutrophils, the cells of the immune system that mount the body’s inflammatory response. Hot chicken soup also temporarily speeds up the movement of mucus through the nose, helping relieve congestion and limiting the amount of time viruses are in contact with the lining of the nasal passages. Simple chicken soup helps cure colds (chicken, an onion, two cloves garlic, two celery stalks, two carrots, parsley, a little pepper and a bit of sage and thyme.
* Those suffering from common or severe colds should take one tablespoon lukewarm honey with 1/4 spoon [[cinnamon]] powder daily for 3 days. This process will cure most chronic cough, cold and clear the sinuses.
* [[Cayenne]] works to boost energy by improving circulation. It is also effective to help ward off cold, [[Sinus Infections]], and [[Sore Throat]]. It even helps reduce pain and inflammation.
* medicinal mushrooms, such as the [[Shiitake]] and the [[Reishi]] mushrooms can help in boosting the immune system, thereby preventing the development of colds or flu.
*[[Black pepper]] combined with tamarind, boil them with water and butter and ingesting the concoction to help relieve the symptoms of colds and flu. Another way is by mixing lemon juice, honey and black pepper and taking the mixture three times a day for one day to help starve cold.
* [[Pelargonium]] may help relieve the common cold, suggests a 2007 study published in Explore. For a period of up to 10 days, 103 adults experiencing cold symptoms received either a liquid preparation of pelargonium or a placebo treatment. Results revealed that pelargonium helped reduce the severity of cold symptoms, as well as shorten the duration of sickness. Pelargonium is now widely used as an ingredient in cough and cold syrups.
* Avoid certain ‘mucus-forming foods’ such as milk and cheese at night. They increase Kapha, which is associated with ‘congestive’ disorders.
* [[Yogurt]] : Lactobacillus casei, actually give several health benefits to an individual. One of which is protection from viruses that causes colds and flu.
* [[selenium]] can work preventive.
* Simple chicken soup helps cure colds (chicken, an onion, two cloves garlic, two celery stalks, two carrots, parsley... a little pepper). Now I'll add a bit of sage and thyme.
* Drink a lot of water. And tea, and juice, and clear broth. Fluids help your body heal from a cold by loosening congestion and preventing dehydration. Water, juice, clear broth, or warm lemon water with honey are the best fluids to rely on; alcohol, coffee, and caffeinated sodas only make dehydration worse.
* [[Luffa]] is taken by mouth for treating and preventing colds. It is also used for nasal swelling and sinus problems.
* Go to bed. Rather than getting in the car and heading to the drugstore, get into bed and go to sleep. While you sleep, your body recharges your immune system, which is what fights off a cold. Studies show that people who get eight or more hours of sleep increase their resistance to cold viruses — and get better faster if they do catch a cold.
* Chicken soup may speed healing by killing off some of the virus cells and soothing a sore throat or stuffy nose. Scientists believe chicken soup acts as an anti-inflammatory by inhibiting the movement of neutrophils, the cells of the immune system that mount the body’s inflammatory response. Hot chicken soup also temporarily speeds up the movement of mucus through the nose, helping relieve congestion and limiting the amount of time viruses are in contact with the lining of the nasal passages.
* [[tamarind]]
* [[Osha]]
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