
Rose Essential Oil

327 bytes added, 07:09, 22 March 2014
/* Special Precautions of Rose Essential Oil */
Rose! No doubt it is the most beautiful flower in the world. The flower with innumerable stories, legends, myths and legacies associated with it. With its varied colors, incomparable fragrance and shapes and sizes, you will find one for every mood and every occasion. One who does not know about any of its medicinal properties, can still tell you of one property for sure, and that is that a beautiful red rose can invoke romantic feelings in even the heart of hardest of rocks. The Essential Oil of Rose is extracted by steam distillation of fresh Damascus Rose (Rosa Damascena, as it is known among botanists) and is composed of hundreds of components, out of which the major contributors are Citronellol, Citral, Carvone, Citronellyl Acetate, Eugenol, Ethanol, Farnesol, Stearpoten, Methyl Eugenol, Nerol, Nonanol, Nonanal, Phenyl Acetaldehyde, Phenylmenthyl Acetate and Phenyl Geraniol. Why Damascus Roses? It is because they are the most fragrant ones and are believed to be the original red roses with strongest aroma and highest oil content. The health benefits of Rose Essential Oil can be attributed to its properties like anti depressant, anti phlogistic, anti septic, anti spasmodic, anti viral, aphrodisiac, astringent, bactericidal, cholagogue, cicatrisant, depurative, emenagogue, haemostatic, hepatic, laxative, nervine, stomachic and uterine.
==Special Precautions of Rose Essential Oil==
Few Words * Rose essential oil should not be taken internally without the supervision of Caution: a health professional. Internal use of rose essential oil may have toxic effects.*It can take away your headache if used in mild concentrations, but its strong aroma can just play the opposite if very high concentration is used. *Being an Emenagogue, it should not be used during pregnancy.*It's also important to note that self-treating a chronic condition (such as depression) with rose essential oil, and avoiding or delaying standard care, may have serious consequences.
==The benefits of Rose Essential Oil are==
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