
Sound Therapy

1,984 bytes added, 15:43, 4 April 2014
When we are in a state of stress our heart beat can increase to 87 beats per minute. When we are deeply relaxed this rate will fall to around 57 beats per minute.
The regular rhythm of the drumbeat will entrain our heartbeat to its rhythm. In a healing session we may take a person's pulse to determine their heart rate then begin playing at that rate. Over a period of ten minutes we can gradually reduce the drum beat rate to help the person to relax. We can watch their breathing rhythm to gauge how quickly their heart rate and breathing rate has entrained to our beat.
==Binaural Beats==
The binaural beat effect is the result of two slightly different audio waves being heard separately by the left and right ear (such as in a pair of headphones) in a manner that encourages the neurophysiology to generate a specific unified brain wave pattern. There are many uses for binaural beats, one of them being healing. It has been shown that the body is highly capable of healing itself. More and more research shows that there is a link between stress and an unhealthy body. One of the many applications of binaural beats is to deeply relax the body and mind, through this process the mind and body have a chance to heal itself. Binaural beats have also been shown affective with many psychosomatic illness like depression. Hemisphere synchronization (from binaural beats) has been evidenced to positively impact a whole variety of emotional, spiritual and mental states. Each brain wave has a specific area of impact: <br>
Frequency range Name: Usually associated with<br>
> 40 Hz Gamma waves: Higher mental activity, including perception, problem solving, breakthroughs and consciousness<br>
13–40 Hz Beta waves: Active, busy or focused thinking and concentration, arousal, cognition, memory<br>
7–13 Hz Alpha waves: Deep relaxation (while awake), pre-sleep and pre-awake drowsiness<br>
4–7 Hz Theta waves: Dreams, deep meditation, REM sleep, astral projection<br>
< 4 Hz Delta waves: Deep dreamless sleep, loss of body awareness<br>
By choosing specific binaural beat patterns you can modify your experience and feelings as you see fit, and even replicate natural cycles in the human brain (like sleep or concentration). Binaural beats are perfect for augmenting any day to-day experience with either enhances alertness and concentration on one end, or increased relaxation and sleep on the other.
<span class="plainlinks">[ Example : Alpha Binaural Beats - Chakra Balancing Root to Crown]</span>
==Sound of Nature==
Bureaucrat, administrator