
Category:Home remedies

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[[File:Home remedies.jpg|thumb|350px|left|Home Remedies]]
Other names : Home remedies, home Cures, kitchen remedies, Folk remedies<br>
Folk medicine is the mixture of traditional healing practices and beliefs that involve herbal
medicine, spirituality and manual therapies or exercises in order to diagnose, treat or prevent an ailment or illness.<br>
Many of the folk remedies applied were effective because of the medicinal qualities and beneficial substances contained within the plants. The folk healers went the extra step of assuring the effectiveness of their cures by picking the herbs at the right time (facing south at sunrise when pulling herbs made them more potent) and with the addition of spoken charms.
==Folk RemediesMethods==
Many of the methods for treating injuries and diseases have been passed down through families for generations, and some of these have been adopted for use by the medical profession. Those treatments not commonly believed to fit within the framework of modern medical practice are commonly identified as folk medicine. Illnesses whose etiologies are not recognized by Western medical practice are known as folk illnesses. Folk illnesses are shaped by the cultural and ethnic groups from which they emerge. They are specific to the cosmology of the cultural and ethnic group to which they belong and they have specific causative, diagnostic, preventative, and healing/curing practices that may vary significantly from how they may be viewed by modern medical practitioners. For example, liver grown is a folk illness found among Pennsylvania Germans. This illness is believed to occur when the liver has become attached to the ribs or some other part of the body cavity. The illness is thought to be more common among children and caused by exposure to a strong wind. It may also be the result of staying outside too long or from being shaken up while traveling. In the American South, the most common symptom in a child is failure to thrive in the child. The illness is diagnosed by feeling the lower chest and seeking to find the flesh pulled inward. Treatment may involve stretching the child's arms and legs behind them to loosen the liver or by passing them through a warm horse collar, bramble bush, or other similar process.
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