

486 bytes added, 05:20, 18 April 2014
/* The benefits of Ghee are */
**Enhances your essence - As reported by Paul Pitchford in Healing with Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition, ghee boosts ojas, the underlying essence of body issues; this leads to an increased immune system and greater longevity.
**Increases agni - In Ayurveda, proper digestion revolves around agni, the body's digestive fire. Consuming ghee boosts one's agni, leading to better digestion and faster metabolism.
**Positive Food : Within Ayurveda, ghee is considered one of the most satvic foods. Satvic foods promote positivity, growth and expansion of consciousness.
**Holy Cow : The positive subtle effects of ghee is said to come from the fact that it comes freely from cows. Cows are special or holy because they receive and store thousands of spiritual energies from the environment. The milk from cows therefore contains the essence of all those energies and ghee is the essence of the milk.
==Ghee recipe==
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