

137 bytes added, 07:25, 19 July 2014
/* Home remedies */
*Exercise : Although the temptation to just stay in one place and probably curl up in bed is too great, force yourself to exercise. Exercise, especially when done outdoors, can trigger the release of endorphins, or what is commonly known as the happy hormone. Plus, the outdoor air and the sunshine are good for you.
*Meditation : In the midst of a very busy life, take time to meditate. Find a quiet corner and clear your mind of worries. Forget the demands of everyday life even for just a few minutes each day. Focus on your breathing. Take deep breaths. Enjoy the peace that solitude brings. You need this.
* [[Guided Imagery]] promotes relaxation, which can lower blood pressure and reduce other problems related to stress, like [[headache]].
* [[garlic]] : The main ingredient in garlic when digested is organosulfur allicin, which triggers your body to produce hydrogen sulfide. The combo creates an internal reaction that relaxes blood vessels and encourages blood flow. Translation: garlic is good for your heart and your head and helps manage stress.
* Dark [[chocolate]] has been shown to be filled with antioxidant [[flavonoids]] (which can minimize your risk of heart disease and reduce blood pressure). Some scientists have gone so far as to claim that the sweet stuff has more flavonoids than any other food (including blueberries). According to research published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, those said flavonoids help blood vessels relax, helping calm overall stress
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