
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

4,401 bytes added, 10:00, 6 September 2014
/* Home remedies */
== Symptoms ==
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) – also referred to as motor neurone disease in some British Commonwealth countries and as Lou Gehrig's disease in the United States – is a debilitating disease with varied etiology characterized by rapidly progressive weakness, muscle atrophy and fasciculations, muscle spasticity, difficulty speaking (dysarthria), difficulty swallowing (dysphagia), and difficulty breathing (dyspnea). ALS is the most common of the five motor neuron diseases.
==Risk Factors==
*Smoking : Smoking cigarettes has been shown to increase a person's risk of ALS to almost twice that of a nonsmoker!
*Lead exposure : Some evidence suggests that repeated exposure to lead in the workplace may be associated with the development of ALS. This is especially true of people who work with various types of lead pipes, road paving, newspapers, paints and ceramics.
* High glutamate levels : People with ALS typically have higher than normal levels of glutamate, an amino acid that’s used as a chemical messenger (neurotransmitter) in the brain. At normal levels, glutamate is helpful, but in excess, it can trigger cell apoptosis (death)—in this case, death of nerve cells. In addition to being seen at high levels in people with ALS, elevated glutamate is also seen in the brain cells of people with Alzheimer’s disease, brain injuries, AIDS and cancer. One of the most common sources of glutamate intake is the food additive/flavor enhancer MSG (monosodium glutamate)—found not only in Chinese food but also chips, sauces, burgers, salad dressings, bouillon cubes and gravies. Studies have suggested that too much MSG causes excessive brain cell excitation which can then lead to cell death.
* Autoimmunity : Although ALS has not been formally categorized as an autoimmune disease, inappropriate immune responses (i.e.: an immune system attacking healthy cells in the body) nonetheless are still suspected as playing a role in ALS.
* Aluminum exposure : Aluminum is particularly harmful to the nervous system—it binds to the brain and has been linked to the “plaques” found in Alzheimer’s patients. Well, it’s now linked to ALS too. A recent study has shown that injected aluminum (such as with vaccinations, especially flu shots) triggered ALS in male mice. Links were also made to the development of autism and ASIA - Autoimmune (auto-inflammatory) Syndrome.
== Home remedies ==
* Have a healthy diet loaded with antioxidant- and fiber-rich fruits and vegetables : New research suggests that a diet full of antioxidant-rich, brightly-colored vegetables may play a role in preventing ALS.
* [[Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA)]] : omega-3 fatty acids helps when it comes to lowering ALS risk. Both marine and plant n-3s were effective in preventing ALS… But plant-based alpha linolenic acid (ALA) had the advantage. Researchers found that overall, people who took in high levels of carotenoids through their diets were less likely to have ALS than people who had diets low in the nutrients.
* [[Vitamin C]], which supports many bodily functions. Besides strengthening the immune system, it also strengthens deteriorating connective tissue. Vitamin C is also instrumental in detoxifying the body.
* Calcium and magnesium help stabilize aluminum and mercury, excessive amounts of which have been found in people with ALS. Additionally, ALS sufferers have been found to have low levels of these important minerals. When taking calcium and magnesium it should be done at a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3.
* B-Complex Vitamins and Vitamin E play an important role in muscle and nerve function.
* [[Creatine]] has shown to be effective in increasing strength in those suffering from neuromuscular disorders.
* [[N-Acetyl Cysteine]]
* [[Acupuncture]] is thought to benefit nervous system function.
* Herbs that counteract sclerosis are: [[Cayenne]], [[Ginger]], [[Cinnamon]], [[Periwinkle]], [[Butcher's Broom]], [[Manjistha]], [[Chaparral]], [[Goldenseal]] Root, and [[Comfrey]] Root.
* Herbs that repair the nerves are: Lady's Slipper, Kava Kava, [[Valerian]] Root, [[Cinnamon]], [[Chamomile]], Blue Vervain, and Passionflower.
* Herbs instrumental in detoxing the liver include milk thistle, turmeric root, and dandelion root.
* [[Spirulina]] and [[chlorella]] help repair damaged cells, nerves, and muscle tissue.
* Diet high in carotenoids from fruits and vegetables may help prevent or delay the onset of ALS
* Colloidal Gold is also effective, due to its effects on the brain and nervous system.
* It is thought that people with ALS have too much acid in their system, often due to a poor diet. (See [[Acid/alkaline balance]])
* [[Coconut]] Oil Reverses Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
*Physical therapy can keep the muscles strong.
* Speech therapy can help retain the ability to talk.
* Joining a support group or seeking counseling can help deal with this disease emotionally.
== Warnings ==
Bureaucrat, administrator