
Great Plantain

451 bytes added, 05:48, 4 October 2014
/* Benefits and uses of Great Plantain are */
Great plantain contains substances which might help decrease pain and swelling (inflammation), decrease mucous (phlegm) production, and open airways. It might also be able to kill bacteria and fungi.
* Common cold. Early research suggests that taking great plantain might help reduce the symptoms of the common cold.
*Ongoing (chronic) [[bronchitis]]. Developing evidence suggests that taking great plantain might help treat chronic bronchitis.* [[Cough]] : Plantain leaf has been used for hundreds of years to ease cough and soothe irritated mucous membranes. Many of its active constituents show antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, as well as being anti-inflammatory and antitoxic. Clinical trials have found it favorable against cough, cold, and lung irritation. Plantain leaf has an added bonus in that it may help relieve a dry cough by spawning mucus production in the lungs.
*Bladder infections.
Bureaucrat, administrator