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/* Home remedies */
See also : [[Seborrheic Dermatitis]]
== Causes and Symptoms ==
Many holistic health practitioners feel that dandruff can be a manifestation of other health problems, particularly problems with the digestive system, and that it is necessary to treat the underlying problem in order to treat dandruff effectively.
* Climate – dandruff is generally worse in the winter time
Dandruff may also be associated with psoriasis, another common skin condition. In addition, those with neurological conditions like Parkinson’s disease may experience severe dandruff or other types of seborrheic dermatitis.<br><br>
== Home remedies ==
* Combine 1/2 cup distilled water and 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar. Wet your hair thoroughly and rinse with the mixture, massaging into your scalp. Allow to set for at least 15 minutes.<br>
* Tea tree oil shampoo significantly reduces dandruff. No adverse effects were reported.
*Biotin is widely used to treat dandruff. Biotin is a water soluble member of the vitamin B family, and it helps to break down fats, carbohydrates and proteins. A typical dosage of biotin for treating dandruff is 3000 mcg twice a day. In addition to biotin supplements, foods rich in biotin include brewer’s yeast, nutritional yeast, nuts, whole grains, egg yolks, liver, sardines, cauliflower, mushrooms and bananas.
*Unrefined coconut [[Coconut]] oil is one of the best dandruff treatments available. By warming it up and massaging it gently into the scalp, it will help to reduce itchiness and normalise the scalp. This is best left on the scalp for a few hours at a time before washing it off. Warm 3 grams of black pepper with 300 grams of coconut oil. Wait until it boils and stops heating, filter it with a cloth and set aside in a bottle. When ready, massage it unto the scalp at night.
*Jojoba oil is also an excellent treatment for dandruff as it helps to moisturize and nourish the hair and scalp. Because it is a natural moisturising agent, there will not be any oily build up on the hair after using it.
* Coconut Oil. When coconut is considered to be the tree of life with the many benefits every part of it can give us, coconut oil is also widely known to treat dandruff. Warm 3 grams of black pepper with 300 grams of coconut oil. Wait until it boils and stops heating, filter it with a cloth and set aside in a bottle. When ready, massage it unto the scalp at night.* apple [[Apple cider vinegar ]] : Mix a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar with a quarter cup of water. This can then be placed into a spray bottle and sprayed directly onto the hair and scalp. This solution is then left on for approximately 15 minutes while the hair is wrapped in a towel. Once the towel is removed, the hair can then be washed normally. This treatment can be done once or twice each week.
* Apple Juice. Another natural home remedy for dandruff is by using apple juice. Mixing 2 tablespoons of fresh apple juice to warm water with the same amount, applying it to the hair, rubbing and leaving it for 10 to 15 minutes and then rinsing it will get rid of dandruff especially if this process is repeated for 2-3 weeks.
* Baking Soda. If you think that baking soda is only useful for raising dough in making cookies and bread, then you thought wrong. A lot of people fail to know that baking soda is also recommended in the treatment of mild dandruff issues. Its gritty texture sucks out the excessive oil in the scalp, without touching the scalp’s natural oils. Regularly using baking soda to treat the hair will eventually lead to a healthier scalp.
Bureaucrat, administrator