
Zuo Gui Wan

476 bytes added, 16:18, 15 October 2014
Other Names : Restore the Left (Kidney) Pill, Left Gold Pill, Coptis and Evodia Pills, Replenishing the Yin (Left) Pills
==Special Precautions of Zuo Gui Wan==
*Use with caution and modify for those with Spleen and Stomach Deficiency.
*Contraindicated for those with signs of Excess Heat.
*This formula is not suited for long-term use.
*Nourishes Yin
*Tonifies the Kidneys
*Supplements Jing
*Benefits Marrow
==Health Benefits and uses of Zuo Gui Wan are==
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Zuo Gui Wan reinforces the kidney and nourishes Yin of the Yin-Yang principles.
*Sexual wellness. It is used for loss of sex desire and energy and failure to sustain firm erection in association with the weakness and soreness of the loins and knees,seminal emission, dizziness, and tinnitus.† (see sexual wellness for more info).
*Persistent Back Pain due to the kidney Yin deficiency. The pain typically gets heavier after overwork but relieved after rest and is accompanied with dizziness, tinnitus, sweat and emission.
*Female infertility. In a clinical study, 48 infertile female who suffered kidney deficiency in TCM's terms were treated with Zuo Gui Wan or You Gui Pian. 35 female got pregnant after 1 year. 1
*Amenorrhea - no menstrual periods. Studies show Zuo Gui Wan restores menstrual periods in most women who suffer amenorrhea after 2-3 months use of it.
* [[Lu Jiao Jiao]] - Colla Cervi Cornus : 12-30 g
* [[Gui Ban Jiao]] - Colla Plastrum Testudinis : 12-30 g
== References Selected Products=={{#widget:Iframe|url= Gui Wan&fc1=000000&lt1=_blank&lc1=3366FF&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr|width=300|height=250|border=0}}
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